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Chinese Lunar Dates Tokens

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The Chinese lunar date tokens are:




displays the Chinese lunar day number



displays the Chinese lunar day number with the symbol for the day (日)



displays the Chinese lunar month number



displays the Chinese lunar month number with the symbol for the month (月)



displays the Chinese lunar month number with the symbol for the month and the symbol denoting a short (小) or long month (大).


displays the lunar month, without the Chinese character for month, on the first of each lunar month.


displays the lunar month, with the Chinese character for month, on the first of each lunar month.


displays the solar term, and the lunar month, without the Chinese character for month, on the first of each lunar month.


displays the solar term, and the lunar month, with the Chinese character for month, on the first of each lunar month.


displays the lunar day, but is replaced by the solar term when these occur (this is analogous to the :chls minicalendar modifier).


The prefix "s" can be used to conditionally show the Chinese day or month tokens.


See also: solar terms tokens.


Topic 172450, last updated on 17-Apr-2020