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Cannot ascertain date structure of page

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This scanning message occurs if there is no [d] or [dd] day of the month tokens anywhere on the page X of a GridTemplate.


This message is not generated for page 1 of a template, as the first page of a template is always assumed to begin with DayValue 1.


The [d] and [dd] day of the month tokens and their DayValues are used to guess which DayValues are contained in each GridTemplate page, and when they are not present on a page, no reliable guess can be made, thus the present message.


Solution 1


This message is only generated if the current template is set to allow a grid split (that is to say, try to make the grid splittable).


If the template from which this message originates is set to allow a grid split, then determine if you really need to allow this grid to split and, if not, change that setting.


Solution 2


If you need to use the allow a grid split option for the current template, then you should place DayValue marker tokens for each of the dates included on the page referred to by this message.


Example 1


If your template seems to be working fine, despite the present message, then you should use the value of the minimum DayValue mentioned in the message for your DayValue marker token.


For example, if the present message reads as "Cannot ascertain date structure of page 2, using minimum DayValue=85", and the template seems to work as desired, then you should place a DayValue marker token [85*] on page 2 of your template.


Example 2


Another example: on a weekly diary where the right page contains DayValues 5-6-7, you should add somewhere on the page the tokens [5*][6*][7*] (these tokens will disappear during generation).


Further considerations


You may also get this message, even if you follow the above guidelines, under the following circumstances:


One common mistake is to reverse the order of the DayValue and of the asterisk, writing [*127] instead of [127*].

Another way for this message to be generated, is if you copied elements from duplicated pairs of pages in a GridTemplate by grouping all the elements of the 2 pages together before copying them (for example copying pages 1/2 to pages 3/4 and 5/6 on a 7 days on 6 pages diary. The solution is to ensure that objects on right pages are not grouped with elements on the left pages.


See also: splittable grids, page appears to contain no tokens and splittable setting incompatible with tokens of.


Topic 174500, last updated on 29-Jun-2023