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This section regroups all the messages that Q++Studio uses to communicate with you, the user. It is not suggested that you read all these messages. The help appropriate to each message will always be available using contextual help, at the time the message appears.


Design-Time Messages

Messages which are displayed in the messages window while designing a script.

To get help on any such message, click on the message and then click on the Help menu option at the bottom of the popup menu that appears.

Run-Time Messages

Messages which are displayed in the diary generation messages dialog after generating a diary.

To get help on any such message, click on the message and the corresponding help topic will appear on the right.

Modal Dialog Messages

Messages which appear in a modal dialog while you are designing scripts, editing data, or managing templates.

To get help on any such message, click on the Help button which appears on each of these modal dialogs.

Application Errors

These are messages that inform you that Q++Studio has encountered an unexpected error.

These errors are automatically logged and sent overnight to technical support, but you can also choose to send them immediately by email.

Macro Compiler Messages

All the hints, warnings and errors generated while compiling macros.

To get help on any such message, click on message, and the press the F1 key to launch the contextual help topic for that message.


A lot of effort has be made to ensure that messages are informative, well documented and appropriate.


Topic 162700, last updated on 14-Oct-2023