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The Q++Server needs to be updated

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This message means that the file Q++Server32.EXE on the server needs to be updated.


Usually, this message occurs the day of, and the day following, an update to Q++Studio, and usually goes away overnight, when the server performs an auto-update. Therefore, you can usually ignore this message unless it remains for more than 2-3 days.


If you want to perform this procedure manually (or if the message stays for more than a couple of days):


1.Close Q++Studio on all workstations.

2.Sit in front of the SERVER computer.

3.Go to the folder D:\Q++ServerXE3\Updates\ and double-click on suqs32.exe.


You will then get 2 messages, each informing you of the success or not of updating the Q++Server32.exe and the nxServer3x32.exe database engine.


Topic 179010, last updated on 24-Jun-2019