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Navigation: Tokens > Holidays Tokens

[fâ]..[fû] Holidays Abbreviations Tokens

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The holidays abbreviations tokens display the abbreviations of all the holidays on the date of the current token.


These tokens are one of the following: [fâ], [fê], [fî], [fô], or [fû], depending on which of the aeiou-holidays one wishes to get the holidays of.

You can use specific holidays set token modifiers of the form :N to restrict the token to only use the abbreviations of the holidays of the Nth set of the selected aeiou-holidays.

You can also use holiday name tokens to display the name of holidays together with their abbreviations.


Separation of individual abbreviations


When the same holidays abbreviations token generates more than one abbreviation, the individual abbreviations are separated using the holidays abbreviations separator of the holidays (display) property.


Note that the separators of the holidays (display) property only operate between abbreviations of the same a-e-i-o-u list of holidays sets. If you need to specify separators between abbreviations of different a-e-i-o-u lists of holidays sets, then you will need to use holidays response tokens.


Sorting and filtering of abbreviations


You can specify that the generated list of abbreviations should be filtered and/or sorted, using the holidays abbreviations options of the holidays (display) property.


See also: specific holidays set token modifier and duration token suffix.


Topic 123600, last updated on 01-Aug-2020