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[sw] Start of Week Token

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the effect of an [sw:m] token

the effect of an [sw:m] token

Prefix any of the week tokens with the letter "s" (s for start), to have these tokens appear only on the first day of the week.


On other days the token converts to a blank. Note that this is not a zap token; blank means no text.


Some examples:


On Monday, August 1, [sw] = 30, and in English [sWeek] = Week.

Tuesday, August 2, [sw], [sWk], [sWeek] are all blank.

One way to use the [sw] token is in a daily diary where you only want the week number to appear at the beginning of a new week. For example the tokens [sWeek] [sw] would be blank on any day except at the beginning of the week, where they would combine to give, for example Week 34.


Appear on weekdays other than Mondays


You can specify that the [sw] token should appear on a different weekday than Monday by adding the :0X suffix to the [sw] token, where X can be any number from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday).


Special cases


In some cases, you might want to show the week number on the first day of some months as well as the first day of the week.


This is quite common in monthly grids, such as the one in the example above right, where the week number must appear on the first day of the month, as well as every Monday.


The above is done by adding a colon ":" and one of the followings characters at the end of the token.







Show the week number on the first day of the week and also on the first day of every month.



Show the translation of the word "week" on the first day of the week and also on the first day of every 3 months.



Show the abbreviated form of the translation of the word "week" on the first day of the week and also on the first day of every 6 months.



Show the week number on the first day of the week and also on the first day of the year.


Moving the position of the week number if it conflict with a Moon phase


You can use the:L suffix to tell Q++Studio to display the result of a week token on the following day, if there is a Moon phase on the date when it would usually be displayed, either as week start, or in conjunction with the above suffixes. These are often used in planners such as the one below.



Finally, note that Q++Studio lets you decide, for each DiaryGridLine, what the first day of the week is, using the property option week starts on.


Topic 087052, last updated on 03-Feb-2021