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Week Start and [sw] Token Options

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The Week Start GridOption determines which weekday is considered the first day of the week, in the parent DiaryGridLine. Q++Studio uses this information in many places:


To calculate the start date for daily and weekly DiaryGridLines, if you selected Week Matching in the Begin/End Rules property.


To decide which is the first day of a weekly grid. Some Arabic weeklies start on Saturdays.


To decide which is the first day in a monthly grid with a "backtrack" flow of dates structure. Many American monthlies will start on a Sunday, even though their weeklies start on a Monday.


Note that the Week Start for MiniCalendars is independent of this option. This allows the flexibility needed for some Anglo-Saxon weekly diaries which run from Monday-Sunday, but which have MiniCalendars where the Week Start is Sunday.


[sw] Token Options


If the weekday selected for Week Start if different from Monday, then additional options appear:




You can specify that the [sw] token should appear on a different weekday than Monday, by adding the :0X suffix to the [sw] token, where X can be any number from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday).


If the weekday selected for the Week Start is different from Monday, then another option appears, [sw] uses week number of following Monday, which lets you specify that, even though you are showing the week number on a Sunday, for example, you still want to show the week number of the coming week (which starts on the following Monday).


When the Week Start is set to a weekday other than Monday (Sunday, for example) then the question arises: should the start of week token [sw] appear on Mondays (the day when the week number changes) or on the weekday specified as the Week Start for the current grid ? The option [sw] is triggered on specified weekday determines if the token [sw] should be appear on Mondays (option OFF) or on the weekday specified by the choice of week start above (option ON).


If the [sw] is to appear on the weekday specified as Week Start (not Monday), then a further question arises: should the week number displayed be the week number of the date of the token (for example Sunday) or should the week number displayed be the week number of the coming week ? The option [sw] uses week number of following Monday, if checked, tells Q++Studio that the [sw] token should be converted to the week number of the following Monday.


Sunday [sw] Trigger


Using a Sunday as Week Start, the effect of the 2 [sw] options is shown below:





Note that the option [sw] is triggered on specified weekday determines on which weekdays the [sw] token appears, but it does not determine the week number that appears (49 in the above example). The value of the [sw] token, when it does appear, is determined by the option [sw] uses week number of following Monday as seen previously.


See also: start of week token, MiniCalendar Week Start.


Topic 107075, last updated on 14-Apr-2022