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Holiday Name and Abbreviation(s)

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The Holiday Name and Abbreviation Editor is located at the top right of the recurring holidays tab of the holidays manager.


It is used to edit the holiday name and abbreviation(s) which will be displayed using the [fa]..[fu] holiday name tokens and [fâ]..[fû] holiday abbreviations tokens, respectively.


Holiday Name


Entering a holiday name in the Holiday Name Editor is straightforward. Below is a list of the features that may be useful for some of the more advanced cases you may encounter.



Parts of, or the entirety of, recurring names can be set to bold, italics, underline, superscript, or any combination thereof.

If some part of a holiday name is formatted, it will be surrounded by the corresponding HTML tags, which can be manually edited, and an HTML preview pane will appear, giving a preview of the final result.

If you apply more than one formatting to some text, make sure that all formatting is fully withing other formatting. That is to say, any closing tag, such as </b> should always correspond to the most recently opened tag, in this case <b>.

Replacing electronic bold and italics


In the holidays manager, the bold and italics formatting is generic, which corresponds to electronic bold and electronic italics (as opposed to the use of a specific font for bold and a specific font for italics). But, nowadays, the use of electronic bold and/or electronic italics is either discouraged (QuarkXPress 2018-2024) or simply not available (InDesign).


For such cases, you can specify that the generic bold and italics formatting of the names of recurring holidays from each holiday list of the current scriptline should be replaced by the fonts as specified in the holidays display property editor.


Note that, though the replacement of generic bold and italics is not necessary for QuarkXPress versions 8-2017, you can still use it if you wish to have better control over the bold and italics parts of your holiday names.


You can include tokens recursively in holiday names.

Special Characters

You can include special character markers in holiday names.


Any underscore character "_" (without the quotes) contained in this string will be replaced by a non-breaking space and a tilde characters "~" (without the quotes) contained in this string will be replaced by a normal space.

Variable Names

The name of a holiday can also be made variable, allowing you to specify that the name of a holiday should vary depending on the circumstances of each holiday date.


Below the Name Editor, is the Holiday Abbreviation Editor.


Holiday Abbreviations


Each holiday's abbreviation allows you to specify some abbreviated text for the current holiday. Often this text is the shortened form of the country/countries name(s) where this holiday occurs (for example: FR, DE, AT, GB), but this does not necessarily need to be the case, as seen in the example on the right.


The tokens [fâ]..[fû] holiday abbreviations tokens are used to display holiday abbreviations. You can specify a default value for this field in the holidays sets properties dialog.


As is the case for holiday names, above, any underscore character "_" (without the quotes) contained in this string will be replaced by a non-breaking space and a tilde character "~" (without the quotes) contained in this string will be replaced by a normal space. Also, you can have variable holidays abbreviations.


Finally, regardless of the editor in which your are, if the text in the holiday name editor is too long, or uses characters which are unfamiliar to you, then you can click on the ellipsis button at the top-right of the holiday name editor to display and edit the current holiday name in a full-text editor dialog where the text's size and font can be modified to better see it.


See also: graphical elements, recurrence rules, variable names, variable abbreviations.


Topic 104022, last updated on 24-Oct-2023