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Saras and SaraSets

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SARAs (Search And Replace Algorithm) automate and improve the "search and replace" function found in QuarkXPress.


The benefits of Saras are:


Saras are totally integrated into Q++Studio: they can be saved, reused or even shared by different scripts.

Saras expand the functionality of the standard QuarkXPress search and replace dialog by allowing you to search for color, horizontal and vertical scale, kerning etc...


Saras are also versatile:


Their scope can be sharp (only apply to a certain page of a certain GridTemplate).

Their scope can be broad (applied to the entire output file).

They can even be used as a stand-alone tool unrelated to any script (you can Sara your GridTemplates to update them, should marketing decide that all diaries which previously used Arial will now use Times).


The following topics cover:


Defining individual Saras

Defining SaraSets

Managing SaraSets


See also: the saras scriptline property, saras as scriptline properties, saras applied to an output file and saras as a stand-alone tool.


Topic 082999, last updated on 12-Aug-2023