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Navigation: Script Line Properties > MiniCalendars > Current Week

MiniCalendar Weekly Bands Options

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Use the Frame and Background options of the Current Week MiniCalendar options to determine the appearance of the current week textboxes that contain Minicalendar Weekly Bands Tokens.


By default, the current week weekly band textbox is kept and modified as per the [mcw] settings on the right. All other non-current weekly band textboxes are deleted, unless your minicalendar weekly bands token contains the :dnd do not delete minicalendar weekly band modifier.


This group of background and frame options also appears in the macros resulting actions, the saras advanced change actions and current month minicalendar options).


These options are only available if your current GridTemplate contains at least one [mcw] Weekly Bands Tokens, as shown on the right.


Most of the time you will not need to use these [mcw] options. It is usually easier, and more visual, to set the desired background and frame in the GridTemplate and let the token delete each textbox if it does not correspond to the current week.


Apart from the Frame and Background settings, the only other option related to the [mcw] options is the Apply to weeks of all visible dates of spread option.


Apply to weeks of all visible dates of spread


As was the case for the individual dates of the current week, here the Apply to weeks of all visible dates of spread option can be used to shade and/or frame the textbox of any week that contains at least one day from the current 2-page spread.


Looking at the example on the right, we have a 2 days on 2 pages template, which on the current spread has Sunday, December 15, on the left page and Monday, December 16, on the right page with a MiniCalendar token [1mc+00].


The first MiniCalendar, with the Apply to weeks of all visible dates of spread option un-checked, shows one weekly band being highlighted, the one for the week containing December 15, while the second MiniCalendar, with the Apply to weeks of all visible dates of spread option checked, shows two weekly bands being highlighted, the one for the week containing December 15, and the one for the week containing December 16.


See also: individual dates of a MiniCalendar, MiniCalendar Current Month, MiniCalendar Current Day.


Topic 171210, last updated on 30-Jun-2022