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Template uses aeiouHolidays which are undefined

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The GridTemplate used by the current DiaryGridLine uses holidays tokens referring to an aeiou-holidays list, but the corresponding holidays list is blank.


None of the holidays tokens corresponding to that holidays list will be replaced. If you are doing a test run, this can be acceptable, but for the final diary, you need to correct this message.




Modify list of aeiou-Holidays: Opens the editor of the appropriate aeiouHolidays property editor so you can select some Holidays Sets to be used.

Modify the "Holidays Override" list of aeiou-Holidays: Opens the property editor for the Holidays Override property of the DiaryGridLine which generated this message.

Correct the Token in file name: Opens the GridTemplate in QuarkXPress to let you change token (if you mistakenly typed an [Fe] token instead of an [Fa], for example).


Topic 108329, last updated on 22-Mar-2021