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Chinese Calendar Macro Functions

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Macro functions that relate to the Chinese Calendar are covered in the following topics, or alternatively, you can access the alphabetical list of all macro functions.


The following functions are used to calculate dates of the Chinese Lunar Calendar :



The number of the current 60-year cycle (cycle 1 started on February 15, 2637 B.C.).


The first and, eventually, second date on which a Chinese date (day and month of the lunar calendar) occurs for a given Gregorian (Western) year.


The Chinese lunar day number, for a given Gregorian (western) date.


Determines if the Chinese lunar month, based on a given Gregorian (western) date, is a leap month or not.


The Chinese lunar month number, for a given Gregorian (western) date.


The Chinese lunar year name (eg. Rooster, Dragon, ...), for a given Gregorian (western) date.


The Chinese lunar year number (within the current 60-year cycle), for a given Gregorian (western) date.


The full Chinese lunar year number (since the starting date of the Chinese calendar on February 15, 2637 B.C), for a given Gregorian (western) date.


The following functions are used to calculate dates of the Chinese Solar Calendar :



The date of the preceding Solar Term (minor or major).


The date of the following Solar Term (minor or major).


Click on any of the above links for more details on the implementation and sample usage for each of these functions.


See also: chinese tokens.


Topic 160800, last updated on 18-Apr-2020