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The compiled code generated by an IF branch is not particularly noteworthy, but it is important to understand it because it is used in the FOR and WHILE loops as well as the SWITCH branch.


The basic if-else branch looks like this.

if not bCondition
   // do something if true
   // do something else if false

The above code compiles into:

0007 IF_001 @bCondition jne+0002
0009 JMP+0001 //ELSE_001
0011 ENDF_001

Note that if the branching condition is a function call, it is evaluated before the IF_xxx op-code. For example:

if MonthOf(Today()) = 1 // january
    // do something if true
    // do something else if false

compiles to:

0007 CALL n001=$0HM()  //Today
0007 CALL n002=$0FH(@n001)  //MonthOf
0007 CALL b001=$0BI(@n002|1)  //EqualN
0007 IF_001 @b001 jne+0002
0009 JMP+0001  //ELSE_001
0011 ENDF_001

This will become very important when we discuss the FOR and WHILE loops.


Topic 108219, last updated on 22-Apr-2020