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Minicalendars on page use multiple DayValues

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This scanning message alerts you to the fact that minicalendar tokens of a particular page of a given template are based on multiple different DayValues.


For more details as to why this message is extremely important, see the section the 2 rules of minicalendar dayvalues section of the GridTemplate design guidelines topic.


In the example of the right, the textbox displaying the minicalendar month name is based on day 1 (token [1mc+00]), while the textbox displaying the contents of the minicalendar is based on day 4 (token [4mc+00]). In such a case, in a weekly template, there will be a problem in any spread where the Monday and the Thursday are in different months.




Review the section the 2 rules of minicalendar dayvalues section of the GridTemplate design guidelines topic, and decide which DayValue to use for all the minicalendars of your spread.


Topic 187540, last updated on 19-Jul-2023