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Navigation: Tokens > Week Tokens

[W] [Ww] [WW] Partial Translation of Week

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Use these week tokens to display the first letter of the work week (in the current language) with different type attributes than the rest of the word.


The use of [W], [Ww], [WW] is analogous to the use of [D], [Dd], [DD].


[W] = 'W' in English and 'S' in French.

[Ww] = 'eek' in English and 'emaine' in French.

[WW] = 'EEK' in English and 'EMAINE' in French.


These are mixed source tokens and, as such, their value will depend on their translation in the tokens manager.


Using the value of [ddd] instead of [dddd]


To base the conversion of either of the present tokens on the value of the [wk] token rather than the [week] token, append the :sh modifier to the end of the token. For example: [Ww:sh] and [WW:sh]. The use of [W:sh] is also possible, but it is rarely used, except for languages where the first letter of the month names differs from the short to the full version of the name.


Topic 115159, last updated on 17-Apr-2020