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Trying to move/resize a rotated textbox

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always rotate the text rather than the textbox

always rotate the text rather than the textbox

This DTP processing message occurs when a macro includes a call to one of the textbox resizing functions, on a textbox which is rotated (that is to say, whose angle is not 0­°).


Because of the way that rotation of textboxes are performed internally by QuarkXPress and InDesign, resizing a textbox means rotating the box back to 0 degrees, resizing it, and then rotating it back to its original value.


However this re-rotation is performed by rotating about the center of the box, which has changed position since the box has changed size. This implies a complex coordinates transformation on the part of Q++Studio to ensure that the resulting box appears where and how one intuitively expects it to.


The present message is only a warning which does not interrupt diary processing, but we strongly recommend that you address this message.


Topic 185030, last updated on 14-May-2021