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Navigation: Messages > Design-Time Messages > DiaryGridLines

Macro uses attributes incompatible with QuarkXPress

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possible source of this message

possible source of this message

The resulting actions of one of the macro rules of the current DiaryGridLine includes the use of some attributes which are incompatible with the use of QuarkXPress.


Some examples:


The use text skewing or overprint, as shown highlighted in the image on the right.

The use of auto-kerning, such as metrics and optical, will also cause this message to be generated.

The use of text-based leading.

The application of styles.

The formatting of multiple cells of a table.


If this design-time message is not addressed, then this will lead to the corresponding run-time message 185140.




You will need to change these settings using the Change Macro Options menu option (the detailed list of formats, and their respective support by QuarkXPress and InDesign, can be found here).


See also: Macro uses attributes that are incompatible with InDesign.


Topic 185165, last updated on 01-Apr-2023