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Main Window Search Box

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The main window search box is located at the right of the main window toolbar and can be used to quickly locate any currently available user interface item by name, as shown in the screenshots below.

The searched text is highlighted in the results that are displayed, as shown above, and the search is case-insensitive (you do not have to worry about uppercase or lowercase).




By default, the search box will list all the menus and sub-menus available (even those that are currently disabled, and which will be identified as such, as can be seen in the image above left).


Clicking on any of the listed menus names is equivalent to clicking on that menu directly (unless, of course, the menu is disabled, in which case nothing will happen).


ScriptLines and ScriptLine Properties


Additionally, if a script is open, then all the ScriptLines and ScriptLine Properties of that script will be listed, as shown in the image above right.


Clicking on any of the listed ScriptLines or ScriptLine Properties will select that ScriptLine in the Script Editor and, in the case of a ScriptLine Property, will also select that property.


Topic 186950, last updated on 27-Dec-2022