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Script Line Properties

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Script Line Properties are displayed in the properties inspector, the middle section of the main window, and let you specify the options used for the selected script line.


When you select a script line in the script editor, its list of properties is displayed in the properties inspector.


From a usage point of view, there are 4 types of properties:


Properties you will set every time you create a script, because they are fundamental to what makes one script different from another script. Examples are: Grid Template and Output FileName.

Properties you will often set because, although your company's preferences are in Q++Studio Preferences, there are often variations on the preferences due to the GridTemplate or the customer. Examples are: MiniCalendar options, aeiou-Holidays, Begin/End Rules.

Properties you will seldom set because they are almost always the same and you have set them in the preferences. Examples are: languages and moon data.

Properties you will never set because they are read-only and are only meant to inform you of the side-effects of other properties. Examples are: # defined pages, language count and start for <year>.


In some cases, some properties are not applicable to the current script line. Examples are the properties MiniCalendar options, Macros and Slogans, when the parent DiaryGridLine does not contain any MiniCalendar token, Macro tokens or Slogan tokens. In these cases the property will be displayed in a way to draw attention to that fact.


See also: script line properties xml identifiers.


Topic 000172, last updated on 01-Aug-2020