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Writing Macros in the Code Editor

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The Code Editor occupies the top left part of the macros editor.


As you type code, it is constantly parsed to identify keywords and literals which are then displayed using specific font attributes and/or colors, using syntax highlighting.



This highlighting scheme is as follows (otherwise noted, the font color is black) :



Keywords are displayed in bold. This includes var, begin, end, if, endif, for, endfor, while, endwhile, break, continue.

compiler directives

Compiler directives are displayed in bold purple, on a gray background.


Comments are displayed in italics and in green.


Literals are colored according to their data type. Boolean are in bold gray, integers in red, and strings in blue.


The next sections cover the use of the code editor features to write code more efficiently.


Topic 108231, last updated on 18-Apr-2020