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Xtags text for Macros Text Actions contains tokens

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This message occurs if the text used as xpress tags for the text resulting actions of a macro token contains what looks like a token (ie. an opening brace [ followed later by a ] closing brace).


This message will not be generated if there are tokens inside the value of sResult and you are using Xtags as text replacement for a macro token (in that case the tokens contained in sResult will be converted as expected).



Due to the codified nature of xpress tags, it is possible that a pair of opening and closing braces that is not a token, would occur normally. but, even in such cases, the braces come from the definition of the standard style sheet attributes, and you should remove these from your xtags text, as it almost never makes sense to redefine the standard style in xtags.




Edit Macros Options: opens the macros options editor so that you can modify the xtags text used.


Topic 175690, last updated on 01-Aug-2020