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You must upgrade InDesign to version X, preferably Y

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This message refers to the minor version of InDesign that you are using.


This message occurs if you are using a minor version of InDesign which can no longer be used.


For example, under InDesign 2021 (version 16), a format change in version 16.3 means that version 16.3 is the minimum version of InDesign 2021 that can be used, and the present message would appear if you are using an earlier version.


Note that, if the recommended minor version of InDesign to use is higher than the required minor version of InDesign to use, then this message will also mention the recommended minor version.




You should look at the minimal minor versions of InDesign required and use the Adobe Creative Cloud Updater to install that minor version at least.


Topic 185200, last updated on 10-Jan-2024