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Suppose you wanted to change the color of the day (1-31) on dates when a holiday occurred.


Using Macros you would replace the [d] token by a Macro token, say [*1d]. The core of the macro would be a single line that checks if there is a holiday for the token date in the a-Holidays list :

bRESULT = HolidayOfListOnDate('a', n_TokenDate)

In the Macros property of the current script line you would select the above macro, and in the resulting actions tab you would, for example, set the actions to be taken when a holiday occurs, as shown in the image on the right.


Note that if you had wanted to change the color of the textbox background, you would have set the color change in the TextBox Actions zone of the dialog instead.


Topic 144000, last updated on 01-Aug-2020