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Miscellaneous Astronomical Tokens

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Miscellaneous astronomical tokens allow you to calculate and display all the information available in the astronomical data export module, and which does not specifically refer to the Sun, the Moon or a planet, individually.


Miscellaneous astronomical tokens are of the general form:




By default, miscellaneous astronomical tokens are calculated for the 1st Sun Data Source of the current script. If you want to have any planetary token calculated based on another source, just append :sY to the token, where Y is a number corresponding to the Nth Sun Source of the script (ie. append :s2 to any planetary token to have it calculated based on the coordinates of the 2nd Sun Data Source of the current script.


In cases where one or more of the indices is not applicable, leave its value blank.


List of Miscellaneous Astronomical Tokens


The miscellaneous astronomical tokens that are currently defined are as follows:



Calculates the sidereal time at the beginning of the day (00:00).


If you need the sidereal time to be calculated at another time than the above default, then you can append the suffix :@hhnn where hhnn is to be replaced by the hour and time at which you want the token evaluated.


If you wish to display the result of any of tokens above in a format that differs from the default one, you can append the suffix :fSomeFormat, which is described in more details below.


Formatting of Time and Angles


Below is a table of the default formatting in which the above tokens are generated and at the bottom of this table you will find instruction on how to tweak that formatting to match your desired result.


sidereal time

The sidereal time is displayed as hours-minutes-seconds.

The default format is %2d"h"%2d"m"%2.0f"s" which shows hours, minutes, and seconds, rounded to the nearest second, such as 18h23m58s, for example.


To control the format in which the result of the miscellaneous astronomical tokens above are displayed, you can append the :fSomeFormat suffix, using the format strings as described here. Important: the suffix :fSomeFormat must be the very last modifier of the token, so that can contain text such as ":".


See also: planetary tokens.


Topic 181175, last updated on 20-Feb-2023