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Property of the script lines: Quark Pages, InDesign Pages and PDF Pages.


Use this property to select the pages of the pages of the selected Quark File, InDesign File or PDF File, to include in the current Quark Pages, InDesign Pages or PDF Pages script line.


The format used to determine the page selection is analogous to that used in most commercial software "Print" dialogs :


Individual pages are separated by a comma (1,2,3,11,23,25).
Page ranges can optionally be indicated by a hyphen (1,3,5-12,22,25).
A trailing hyphen means "from this page until the end" (1,3,5-12,22,31-), and so "all pages" is denoted by "1-".
There should be no spaces anywhere in the page selection string.


As long as no file is selected in Quark File, InDesign File or PDF File, Q++Studio will only verify if the above syntax is followed, and issue warnings to highlight possible typos :


Repeated pages such as "1,3,3,10-". The repeated page is ignored and this would be treated the same as "1,3,10-".
Degenerate ranges such as "1,5-5,12". This is interpreted as "1,5,12".
Inverted ranges such as "1,2,9-5,12-". This is interpreted as "1,2,9,12".


Once a file is selected, Q++Studio will issue a warning if the page selection string you define exceeds the number of pages in that file (for example, using "1,2,5,33-" for a 12 page file).


Display Format


When this property is not in edit mode, then the page range string is displayed in a user-friendly manner.


A trailing hyphen, such as "8-" will be displayed as "8-end".

The special case, and also the default one, of "1-" is displayed as "All Pages".


That display format, on the right of the above examples, should not be used to enter the page selection (use the format on the right which uses the rules described at the beginning of the present topic, instead).


If a file is selected, the actual number of pages which will appear in the current diary, will automatically be updated and displayed in the selected pages count property.


See also: Quark file, Quark page count, InDesign File, InDesign Page Count, PDF File, PDF Page Count, selected page count, times repeated, total page count.


Topic 081000, last updated on 06-Feb-2021