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Property of the script lines: Quark Pages, InDesign Pages and PDF Pages.


Use this option to repeat the selected pages selection of a Quark File or PDF File more than once.


This property is useful, for example, if you wish to insert 10 notes pages at the back of a diary.


Rather than creating a 10-page QuarkXPress, InDesign or PDF file, you can just create a 2-page file and use the present property with a value of 5 to obtain the 10 necessary pages. Using this property, if the notes pages layout needs to be modified, you only need to modify 2 pages, not 10.


The scripts editor displays the details of the above, if the value of this property is greater than 1.


Note that :


If the selected page count is odd (not divisible by 2) and the present property is larger than 1, then you will get a message that you may encounter symmetry problems in your output file.

The minimum value for this property is 1. If you wish to have Q++Studio skip the current script line, then you should either disable it or use its skip line property.


See also: Quark file, Quark page count, InDesign File, InDesign Page Count, PDF File, PDF Page Count, selected page count, total page count.


Topic 173300, last updated on 18-May-2023