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The date of Capricorn for the years 2024‑2034

This page contains dates and information about Capricorn for the years 2024‑2034.*

When is Capricorn for the years 2024‑2034 ?

Year Holiday or Observance Weekday Date
2024 Capricorn (UTC) Saturday
2025 Capricorn (UTC) Sunday
2026 Capricorn (UTC) Monday
2027 Capricorn (UTC) Wednesday
2028 Capricorn (UTC) Thursday
2029 Capricorn (UTC) Friday
2030 Capricorn (UTC) Saturday
2031 Capricorn (UTC) Monday
2032 Capricorn (UTC) Tuesday
2033 Capricorn (UTC) Wednesday
2034 Capricorn (UTC) Thursday

* The astronomical dates above were calculated based on UTC (zero degrees of longitude and no summertime adjustments). The exact date when Capricorn is observed might depend on the specific country, region or state.