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Navigation: Tokens > Holidays Tokens

[fa]..[fu] Concatenated Holiday Names Tokens

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The Concatenated Holiday Names holidays tokens add together (concatenate) the holiday names of all holidays for the date of the current token (or a range of dates when used in a duration token).


These tokens are one of the following: [fa], [fe], [fi], [fo], or [fu], depending on which of the aeiou-holidays one wishes to get the holidays of.

You can use specific holidays set token modifiers of the form :N to restrict the token to only use the holidays of the Nth set of the selected aeiou-holidays.

Holidays abbreviations and/or holidays symbols can be displayed near each holiday name, using the holidays (display) property.

If the same concatenated holiday names token produces more than one holiday, then you can use the holidays (multiple) property to specify how to combine or separate these multiple holidays coming from the same token.


Note that the separators of the holidays (multiple) property only operate between holiday names of the same a-e-i-o-u list of holidays sets. If you need to specify separators between holiday names of different a-e-i-o-u lists of holidays sets, then you will need to use holidays response tokens.




You can make the entire text of the holiday appear in uppercase by writing the first letter of the token (usually F) in uppercase.


Using the lowercase f does nothing.




If the same concatenated holiday names token produces more than one holiday, then the order in which the holidays appear is:


First, the order in which the holidays sets appear in the token's corresponding aeiou-holidays property.

Then, if there are 2 holidays of the same set, on the same date, then the order is based on the relative priority of the 2 holidays or one-time-dates.


Example 1: single day


The example below shows the combination of concatenated holiday names tokens with the holidays (display) property (to display holidays symbols to the right of each holiday) and the holidays (multiple) property (to display each holiday on a separate line).


Click on the various parts of the above example to navigate to the corresponding help topic.


Example 2: multiple days


The example below shows the combination of concatenated holiday names tokens with the :01 specific holidays set token modifier (to display only the holidays of the first set of u-holidays, namely Germany) and the duration token suffix :y+00 (to run the [fu] token for the entire year of the DayValue 1 of the token).


Click on the various parts of the above example to navigate to the corresponding help topic.


Topic 115162, last updated on 08-Nov-2021