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Navigation: Scripts

Output Files

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The ultimate goal of scripts and Q++Studio in general, is to produce a diary in the form of a QuarkXPress or an InDesign file.


An output filename property is associated with each script. This file name serves either as the full output file name, if the property output flow is set to standard, or as the root of all generated file names, if the property Output Flow is set to sections.


The technical support function lets you automatically attach the GridTemplates contained in the current Script, as well as the output file(s), to any message you send to Q++Studio technical support.




In the application preferences, you can decide if you wish all output files to be generated in a common directory, or each in the same directory as that of the GridTemplate used for the Main DiaryGridLine.


You can also use the application preferences to specify how the master pages of the templates that make up a script are brought into the output file, namely by the use of the keep master pages' vignette names and the disambiguate master pages generation options.


See also: master pages in QuarkXPress output files and master pages in InDesign output files.


Topic 143800, last updated on 04-May-2024