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Scripts Preferences

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The scripts Preferences page of the preferences dialog lets you specify defaults when creating new scripts, and when executing them.


At start-up


Use the At Start-up option to determine what Q++Studio should do when launched.


Do not open a Script: Q++Studio opens without any Script Open.

Load a blank Script: Q++Studio creates a blank script on opening.

Display the "Open Script" dialog: presents the scripts in the most recent scripts directory.

Open MRU Script: automatically opens the last Script that you opened.


Blank pages in new scripts


Many diaries are book-bound with the first and last pages kept blank and glued to the cardboard cover. This option allows you to set the presence of these pages as default when creating new scripts.


This setting only applies to new scripts.


Design-Time Messages


Modified Template is an Error: Use this option to tell Q++Studio what type of design-time message it should generate, if one of the GridTemplates used in the current script has been modified since it was last scanned. We recommend that you check this option, so that an error is generated. If this option is left un-checked, only a warning will be issued, allowing you to generate a diary using a GridTemplate which is not up to date.


Auto-correct new script messages: This option, which should always be ON, automatically fixes the most common messages that can occur after creating a new script and selecting a template. The messages being auto-corrected are: 15060, 15004, 15010, and 186030.


Languages in New Script Names


This option lets you specify what reference to languages, if any, should be in the name that Q++Studio automatically proposes to you when you save a script for the first time. There is no particular necessity for the script names to refer to the languages used, since the languages used are displayed separately from the script name in the Scripts Explorer. This is a matter of personal/corporate preference.


Save Options


The Always ask to Save option asks you, one last time, if you wish to save a script before it is closed, even if the script does not need to be saved.


The Save scripts as XML is used to specify that scripts be saved as XML, the new way of saving scripts since the summer of 2020, and required to use InDesign.


DTP Format


Lets you specify if new scripts should be created as QuarkXPress or InDesign scripts.


The main consequence of the DTP format of a script is whether the script's output file is a QuarkXPress or an InDesign file.


Selecting QuarkXPress or InDesign here means that your script's output file format will be preset to that type of file.

Selecting Auto means that Q++Studio will try to guess the format of the output file, based on the format of any GridTemplates and/or PlainInfo pages that are part of your script.


This option is only enabled if your workstation is setup to use both QuarkXPress and InDesign. Otherwise, new scripts will automatically be generated in the only available format.


Database Options


The Display Database Selection Dialog option determines if, at program start-up, the current user is presented with a dialog with a choice of selecting which one of the available databases to connect to (for multi-site and/or multi-database systems).


The Always restructure local tables at start-up option is set to false by default and, if true, will increase the time that Q++Studio takes to start-up, with the remote advantage of preventing an obscure error in one of the temporary tables from forcing you to restart Q++Studio.


See also: other preferences and searching preferences.


Topic 104222, last updated on 15-Jun-2023