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Navigation: Macros

The Macros Debugger

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The Macros Debugger is used to follow the execution of macro code, step-by-step for each macro token, during diary generation.


To invoke the debugger, set the Debug Macros option of the execution options dialog to true, when launching diary generation, or set this option in the diary generation property.


The debugger window, which is re-sizable, is made up of the following:


A main pane allowing you to follow the progress of the interpreter as it moves through the code. You can to view the source code and the compiled code.

The list of variable watches which display the updated value of all variables (including system and temporary).

A list of breakpoints, allowing you to execute code uninterrupted, until a condition or line number is reached.


A series of buttons which allow you to control the level of detail at which you wish to step through the code.



See also: stepping through a macro, variable watches and debugger breakpoints.


Topic 108182, last updated on 22-Mar-2021