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[p#]  [p#+]  [p#-]  Page Number Tokens

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Use Page Number Tokens display the page numbers.


Important: this token and its variants are calculated taking into account any page deletion which may occur as the result of zap tokens, conditional tokens, or macro tokens, but not taking into account any page deletion which may occur as the result of template saras and/or global saras.


For the above reason, if you need to display page numbers on DiaryGridLines pages as well as on Quark Pages and/or Place Holders pages, then we recommend that you only use page number tokens as part of global saras.



The current page number.


The previous page number.


The next page number.


X pages before the current page number. Note that [p#-1] is the same as [p#-].


This token ignores the value of the page number offset setting of the current GridTemplate, giving you full control over the numbering.


X pages after the current page number. Note that [p#+1] is the same as [p#+].


This token ignores the value of the page number offset setting of the current GridTemplate, giving you full control over the numbering.


All the above are calculated, based on the actual page number of the output file to which the page number offset of the current DiaryGridline is added.


The output format of this token is plain numbers from 1 to x. If you wish to have adorned page numbers such as i-ii-iii, you should use macros.


You can use global saras to display the value of this token and other global tokens in Quark Pages and/or Place Holders.


See also: global tokens and template pages tokens.


Topic 105057, last updated on 24-Jun-2021