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Navigation: Script Line Properties > Grid Options

Miscellaneous Grid Options

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These grid options are specific cases, developed over the years, often at the request of a particular user.


Hide Watermarks

Setting this option tells Q++Studio to ignore the [:ferie_a] token. This does not delete the textbox, it only replaces the token by an empty string. Note that another way to achieve this is to set the translation of [:ferie] to a blank. The best method depends on how usual it is to show/hide the watermark. If hiding it is exceptional, then use this option, otherwise set the translation to blank.

Hide Holidays Symbols

Setting this option tells Q++Studio to ignore the [â]..[û] tokens. This does not delete the textbox, it only replaces the token by an empty string.

Delete Dominante Box

Setting this option tells Q++Studio to delete any textbox containing the [:dom] token (the token which depending on the diary publisher can represent "to do" or "priority" or "important", ...).

Page Number Offset

The Page Number Offset option allows you to start counting from anywhere in the diary, when using page number tokens display the current page number, or an offset thereof.


If you need to display page number tokens on DiaryGridLines pages as well as on Quark Pages and/or Place Holders pages, then we recommend that you only use page number tokens as part of global saras.

Lowercase [D] token

Use this option if you do not want the current DiaryGridLine's partial weekday [D] tokens to convert to uppercase. This option is false by default.

Length of [ddd]

This setting lets you specify, for each DiaryGridLine, how many characters to use for day abbreviations.


A value of 0 (zero) means that the translation you have set in the tokens manager should not be changed. This setting, which is the default, should be used if your [ddd] token translations do not always have the same length (for example, in French, 4 letter months are usually kept at 4 letters, while other abbreviations are 3 letters: jan, fev, mars, avr, mai, juin, juil, ...).


A value larger than the translation length will have no effect. For example if you set the value of this option to 5, the translation that you set to "jan" will remain "jan"; Q++Studio will not guess what the 4th and 5th letters should be.


Note that this setting has no effect on the using token settings of the minical options which are set independently.

Length of [T+]

This setting lets you specify, for each DiaryGridLine, how many digits each of the [T+] and [T-] padded ascending and descending days tokens should have. For example, the default value of 3 would generate the following numbers: 001, 002, ..., 010, 011, ..., 100, ..., 366, while the value of 2 would generate the following numbers: 01, 02, ..., 10, 11, ..., 100, ..., 366.

Show [paye] on every day

Use this option to display the [paye] token on every date, not only at the beginning of each paye week, which is the default. Additionally, the Show label with [paye] option lets you option specify if the [:paye] label appears near the [paye] number or not.


Topic 141600, last updated on 29-Mar-2024