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Navigation: Diary Templates > Scanned Templates

The Templates Manager

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The Templates Manager is used to select, view information about, create, modify and update any of the scanned templates.


To access the Templates Manager, use the QuarkXPress menu or the InDesign menu.


At the top of the Templates Manager is a list of all scanned templates, displayed in an advanced data grid.




Selecting a Template


the list of scanned templates at the top of the templates manager

the list of scanned templates at the top of the templates manager

You can use the advanced data grid, at the top of the Templates Manager, to locate and select a template using the sort and filter functionality of the the filter row at the top of the grid.


Once a template is selected:

The bottom half of the Templates Manager displays information about the GridTemplate used in the selected template and can also be used to regenerate a GridTemplate from a scanned template.

You can click on the Properties button to view and/or modify the properties of the selected scanned template.


See also: scanning GridTemplates, creating a Template, regenerating a GridTemplate.


Topic 087103, last updated on 21-Mar-2022