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Diary Grid Preferences

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The Diary Grid Preferences page of the preferences dialog lets you set the default values that will be used by new scripts, for the following DiaryGridLines properties:


Holidays (display)

These are the options that determine how each individual holiday appears (for example you may want to display its symbol to the left or right).

Holidays (multiple)

These are the options that determine how individual holidays are separated from one another, in the event that a given holiday token results in more than one holiday (for example, you may want to separate multiple holidays with a carriage return so that each holiday falls on a separate line).

MiniCal (Current)

These are the options that determine how current minicalendars are displayed (current means that the month displayed by the minicalendar is the same month as the month of the minicalendar token date).


These are the options that determine how saints or namedays are displayed in the current DiaryGridLine. For example, if there are more than one saint per day, how should they be separated (comma, space, slash, ...) and should the names be sorted alphabetically, ...

Moon and Sun Options

These are the options that determine how dates and times related to the Moon and sun are displayed (moon phases, moon rise/set, sun rise/set, seasons, zodiac signs, equinoxes, solstices and summer time).

Grid Options

These are the options that determine how miscellaneous details of a grid are displayed (first day of week, filler tokens separators, ...).

Times of Day

These are the options that determine how religious times of day are displayed (Jewish Candle Lighting, Jewish Shabbat End, Muslim Prayer times, ...).

Display Info Pages ScriptLines Using

Use this option to control the appearance of the Quark Pages, InDesign Pages and PDF Pages script lines in the scripts editor.



Always display the label, even if it is blank.


if not blank

Display the label, if not blank, otherwise the file name (without the path) of the corresponding Quark File, InDesign File or PDF File property.


Always display the Quark, InDesign or PDF file name, even if it is blank.


if it exists

Display the Quark, InDesign or PDF file name, if it exists, otherwise the label.



Even if the setting for the above properties varies from diary to diary, these properties are complex enough that it is worthwhile to set at least the elements common to most of your diaries.


See also: other preferences and searching preferences.


Topic 104226, last updated on 03-Mar-2021