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Q++Studio Release Notes 2001

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This topic contains the release notes that document the new features, improvements and bug fixes that were included in the various releases of Q++Studio in 2001.


See also: release notes of the current year and release notes of other years.



December 17, 2001


One-time-dates now feature holidays symbols and their length (which was previously limited to 75 characters) is now unlimited.

Script sharing has been improved. A new locking mechanism allows you to delete, rename, and  movescripts on other users' machines.

The possibility of sharing scripts on the server is currently being tested. Contact us if you'd like to be beta testers.

Added the whole word only option in automated holidays abbreviation.


December 10, 2001


Added the token [chYear] for the Chinese year name, which can be evaluated at the time of export or concatenation.

Added the property Ignore Token not Found.

Fixed a bug in the vertical minicalendars, when they are aligned right. This was occurring for the minical of December, when the 31st of December was in week 1 of the following year.

Fixed a bug in the identification of DayValue Marker Tokens that did not reset the DayValues to zero when encountering the first DayValue tokens of a GridTemplate. If you are using DayValue tokens, make sure you update to this version at least.


December 3, 2001


The Data Contributor mode has been added to Q++Studio. This allows users in the editorial department, which do not need scripts or Templates to use a lighter version of Q++Studio which loads faster and hides all the un-used features. Contact us for more information.

Loading time of Q++Studio has been optimized, while retaining the recent improvements in database structure validation. You should see improvements of 20-30% depending on your CPU and available RAM.

Fixed an error which occurred when editing Moon Phases, if you typed in a non-numerical value for the currently displayed year.

Improved the Macros Tokens Rules editor: you can now click on the OK or CANCEL buttons without the need to save or cancel changes made to tokens rules (you are given the option of saving changes of course).

Holiday Rules: you can now specify that the number of days to be added or subtracted to/from the rule, refers to weekdays only.

Added two new minicalendar options: the Flow of Dates can now be bottom-aligned and right-aligned.

Added other Holidays Tools: batch processing lets you do wholescale conversions of holidays names (all uppercase, all lowercase, all plain).

Improved the macro compiler's error reporting when a macro tries to perform a division by zero.


November 26, 2001


Tokens that are inside holidays names and do not depend on the languages used by a script (such as: [d], [m], [yyyy], [jYYYY]), are now evaluated at the time the holidays are generated (currently tokens included in a holiday name are evaluated during script generation). This helps proofreading as these tokens will now already be converted in the Excel export, and this also allows for the use of tokens in Concatenated Holidays. Tokens which depend on the languages used, such as [mmmm] or [ddd] will still only be evaluated during script generation.

The Conflicts Report is now more human reader friendly by replacing holidays ID numbers by holidays names

Improved the Script Preview: the text attributes changes applied to an entire token as a result of a macro are now displayed more accurately (color, font name, bold, italic, underlined).

Added 3 new visibility options for outside days of MiniCalendars.

Added a new Holidays Rule option of deleting a holiday, if it falls on a Saturday or on a Sunday.

The weekday number token is now documented.

The Q++Update installer does not ask for you to restart your PC anymore.

Fixed a display bug whereby the list of arbitrary dates of a holidays disappeared when saving it (you has to click on another holiday and then click back on this holiday to have the list reappear).

Fixed a bug whereby a manual change of the output filename property of a script would not be saved if you simply clicked outside the editor (you had to press the ENTER key).


November 19, 2001


The Q++Update installer does not ask for you to restart your PC anymore.

This release contains a working prototype of the Holidays Concatenator. Concats can be created and saved, and holidays can be concatenated, although the most advanced options are not functional yet.

The Comparative Year Tokens now work with monthly grids, and the concept has also been extended to Comparative Month Tokens. This, combined with filler tokens, will let you avoid zap tokens and multiple textboxes when trying to display month/year changes in diaries.

Added the possibility of resetting priority level of all of a Holidays Set's holidays.

Added a new holidays tool: the Holidays Abbreviation Generator which generates and updates the abbreviations used for each holiday rule, based on a list of keywords.

The Read Me file is now viewable in HTML format from the HELP|System Information menu.

The property Pause for Preview is temporarily disabled until the implementation of the new Full Preview.

The Build All Macros dialog has been improved to make it more obvious that the process was completed (it used to look like the process was hung).

Added the new property Use accented uppercase letters to Q++Studio Languages. This property is used to indicate to Q++Studio if uppercase letters of tokens of this language should have accents or not, for example: Ä, Ö, É.


November 12, 2001


A minor cosmetic glitch was fixed in the Slogans Manager, whereby the icon representing Slogans Setsdisplayed with extra white when in edit mode.

Fixed a bug whereby the display font used for Namedayswas not being properly displayed, and one could not pick non-keyboard characters from that font either.

Improved the error handling when a restructuring error occurs at startup.

Fixed the Delete child Script lines dialog which was appearing off-center.

The copy holidays from dialog has been improved. A new column now contains the holiday ID, and the length of the holiday rule column's text has been increased from 50 to 75 characters (rules including conflicts were sometimes clipped).

Holidays generation now produces a detailed "conflicts report" so you can see what holidays were moved or deleted because of conflict rules.

A message now warns you if you try to save a new (never saved before) script on another user's computer.


November 5, 2001


Spent the last few days optimizing the holidays generation process. The process is now about 15 (fifteen) times faster (it used to take 4 minutes on my PC; it now takes about 15 seconds).

The help file now has its unique topic number at the bottom of each topic, along with the date last updated. This will be useful if you need to refer to a topic of the help file in your email messages to me (or other users).


October 31, 2001


Added a GridOption controlling the behaviour of the [D] token. You can now choose, on a per-DiaryGrid basis, if the [D] token should be uppercase or lowercase. Also, you can set translations for the [D] token on a per-language basis.

Added search capabilities to the Scripts Explorer .

The possible levels of priority  for Holidays  have been increased to 20. You can also set a default priority on a per holidays set- basis (ie. every new holiday of a holidays set will be initially created with the default priority).

The tables verification (at startup) now displays a list of the damaged tables in the error message. Also more tables (local) have been added to the verification.

Improved the user-friendliness of the moon phase [mp] token in the Moon Options. Was very counter-intuitive.

Fixed an error message which occured if you launched the email tech support module and then cancelled the "save script" dialog.

Q++Studio Documentation is now available in PDF format, with live hot-links between chapters.


October 21, 2001


Improved previewing of a Quark File or DiaryGrid. You can now doudle-click on a page, or script line, containing either of these. If you then click anywhere else, the preview will disappear (previously you had to close the window manually).

Improved the script lines popup menu.

Fixed a bug with the insertion of DiaryGridLines.


October 13, 2001


A new option in the popup menu that appears when addressing incorrect book size: you can now set both height and width at the same time with a new menu option.

A new message informs you when an update to the Q++Studio Help file or PDF Manual is available for download.

Fixed a problem with the minicalendar preview of the scripts preview, where on some Windows 95 and 98 machines, the minicalendar overflowed its boundaries (ie. the last column was not fully visible).

Fixed a problem that occurred when re-generating holidays, after either previewing or generating a script (a message "table is busy" appeared). This is now fixed.


October 8, 2001


The display of formatted text in the Script Preview is now completed.

Double-clicking on a page in the Script Preview displays its preview.

Fixed the sometimes erroneous message that some users were still connected while trying to update Q++Studio. Let me know if this still occurs.


September 24, 2001


Chinese calendar tokens and holidays now function. The Q++Studio updater now includes a demo Q++Chinese font.

Holidays for the following calendars can also be defined: Egyptian, Armenian, Coptic and Ethiopic. For the moment no tokens have been implemented for these calendars, but it could be done if there is a demand.

Holidays Rules Wizard interface has been improved and now also includes Chinese and Coptic calendar based rules. Also, if a holiday occurs more than once in a year (the case with some Muslim holidays), the sample date blinks and you can see all the occurences in the hint that appears when you place your mouse over it.

Token export now displays tokens in its language's display font.

Fixed a display bug in the Script Preview (the week number was being displayed incorrectly, the very first time you selected a page).

Sometimes QuarkXPress would appear during diary generation, although most of the time it operated hidden. I think this issue is now fixed once and for all ... let me know if it happens again.

Added some safeguards, when launching Q++Studio, to alert you if shared tables are damaged, and to let you abort the launch and repair them (instead of going through potentially 3-4 error messages).


September 17, 2001


In the Holidays Manager, if a holiday occurs more than once in a year (the case with some Muslim holidays), the sample date blinks and you can see all the occurences in the hint that appears when you place your mouse over it.

Fixed a display bug in the Macros Property Options editor which occured when there were more entries than the grid could display at once.


September 10, 2001


New date conversion tool between 25 calendars (Hebrew, Muslim, Egyptian, Chinese, Bahai, ...). From the TOOLS or DATA|Calendar menus.

Improved the display of pages in the Script Preview.

Improved the accuracy of the "dates contained" in the Script Preview.


August 27, 2001


You can now preview MiniCalendar tokens in the Script Previewwindow. This is similar to the preview of the MiniCalendar Options, but is based specifically on the page and date currently selected.

Added more choices for the delimiters of filler tokens, as some of you needed to use the current ones (\/) as the filler text. This is now one of the Grid Options.

Fixed a bug which caused "14 days on X pages" grids (where X could be 4 or 8) to start on the wrong page in certain cases.


August 13, 2001


Fixed a bug in the All Dates property of the Internationalscript line.

Improved the graphism and information contained in the Script Editor.

The commented out script lines are now called disabled to prevent confusion with script line and Macros comments, and their appearance has been made more visually intuitive (and nicer to look at).

Added the possibility of specifying a certain number of days before/after above rule as an additional option of holidays rules. This is useful when a holiday covers multiple days, but with a different names (such as Chinese New Year), or when it is the day after a holiday which depends on falling on a week-end (Boxing Day in certain countries).

Fixed a problem with parentheses used inside text strings in macros, for example using the function call Pos('(', sTemp).

Fixed a bug which used a boolean variable's value instead of its name when testing boolean global variables for initialization.

Added the keywords and syntaxic highlighting to "global" "true" and "false".

Fixed a problem which occured in the formatting of months and day names, if the supplied translation was blank and the token was 'Ddd' or 'Dddd'. Added code everywhere to verify that token translations were not blank before trying to make the first letter uppercase.


July 31, 2001


Fixed a bug which occurred if you tried to edit the mini-calendar preferences, while no script was open.

Fixed a bug which would cause an access violation to occur if you started to do a script "save as" and then canceled.

New Grid Option lets you re-define what it means for a mini-calendar to be current. Previously, and still the default setting, a minicalendar is current if the date of the minicalendar token is contained in the minicalendar. But now you can re-define this as any minicalendar which contains one of the dates of the current spread.

The launching has been optimized (again). Should result in speed gains of about 15%.

Help Preview has been improved: faster to display and better legibility. Make sure you update both the main executable and the Windows CHM Help.


July 16, 2001


User Interface Improvement: each Quark File and DiaryGrid script line now sports a popup menu which lets you eith open the Quark File, re-scan it, or preview it (remember that Quark Files now have bitmap previews also). A corresponding button (to open the selected scriptline's Quark File) has also been added to the script lines toolbar.

Fixed a bug which would cause a spurious undefined page to be inserted after a one-page yearly diary, if it was immediately followed by a one-page Quark Pages.

Fixed a bug in the Moon Phases Manager, where a change back to the default moon phases dates, using the list to the right, was not saved properly.

Added expanding hint windows to listboxes whose contents could be too long (such as the Messages Window).

New feature allows you to have one-click generation of one Physical Section per signature.

Fixed a bug in date calculation for multi-monthlies on pages 2 and up.

Allow Grid Split now works for weekly diaries.

Improved the speed at which mini-calendars are previewed by 40%.

The semi-annual code optimization and hunt for memory leaks has fixed many speed bottleneck and minor memory leaks.


June 30, 2001


Added the possibility of previewing plain Quark Files (information pages).

New XP-style menus.

Added more safety against the side-effects of QuarkXPress crashing: temporary tables are now re-built every time you launch Q++Studio.

Added a "topic preview" to the help wizard pane of the main window. This lets you see which topic interests you before launching the Windows Windows CHM Help viewer.

Made the error messages more informative, when a token translation is incorrect.

Fixed an erroneous message "Only the administrator can restore shared data and templates" when a non-administrator tries to restore local data (scripts and/or preferences).

Fixed a bug whereby the "conflict if any holidays of the same set" rule was not working properly.

You can now specify a "superscript" part for the [st_prefix] token. So, for example, defining a translation as "S<sup>t" would yield "St" where the "t" is in superscript position.

Added a "multi-Pass" property to the Pre-Processing script line, for case when complex recursion of tokens involving attributes (bold, italic, symbols, ...) led to a "Cannot find XXXXX text error" although the text was indeed present in the textbox. This occured because Q++Studio searches through each textbox in a single-pass, assuming that text replacements are generated in the proper order. The single-pass saves time, but if the search/replace commands are in the wrong order (extremely rare) then some text to be replaced is missed.


June 11, 2001


Major overhaul of the Minical properties dialog: Added a real-time preview of most of the options, and added many options. The Text Style dialog has been improved to make it more legible; any option selected or un-selected is bold, to differentiate it from the "grayed" options. The w# and DayHeaders styles can now have "remove" styles (ie. you can specify that any DayHeaders of the current day/spread/week) should have Bold removed from their attributes).

The message control of the email technical support dialog now wraps text around to fit the size of the window.

Improved the "Script Save As" functionality in 3 ways: 1) When you do a save as to a script, the current script is closed and it is the newly saved as script which is re-opened, 2) the saved as script's output filename is now left blank to avoid the common problem of a saved as script overwriting an existing filename, and finally, 3) the OPF menu and sub-menus are immediately updated to reflect the name changes (this was not happening).

The Day Headers of MiniCalendars can now have their own style (just like the W# week number token). This applies to minicalendars which use an offset (usually horizontal).

Added the possibility of updating your list of system tokens from within the Tokens Manager. This now eliminates the need to send your tokens tables for updating whenever there is a new system token (not often, but ...).

Implemented new tokens for saints and saints prefixes. [st_a] will show the prefix and the saint as before (ie. St Olivier), but now you can use [st_â] to display only the prefix (ie. "St") or the token [st_ä] to display only the saint's name. The translations of the prefixes are defined in the Tokens manager under the token "st_prefix".

In any of the export holidays dialogs, you can now have Q++Studio automatically insert all the holidays sets of the current script (or one of the a-e-i-o-u lists, even the override holidays).


May 28, 2001


The selection of characters for Moon Options has been improved, you can now type a character in directly (for example a blank space).

Added the option to have the current week and/or current day settings of mini-calendars cover All Dates of Spread and Even Outside Days. These settings allow you to treat as current week or day any day belonging to the current spread. In the case of a weekly it could mean 14 days for a 2 weeks on 2 pages, and in the case of a daily it allows you to highlight the 2 days of a spread in 2 days on 2 pages (see new help file for details)

Added 3 new settings for outside days in mini-calendars: "Current week only", "Current week before" and "Current week after", which allow you to have outside days shown only if the current week is partially outside the month (either before or after the month respectively).

The names of macros can now be 75 characters long (it was previously limited to 32 characters).

In the Data Pump, if you choose a non-existent directory as target, Q++Studio will now create that directory, and all other necessary directories, automatically.

Improved the email support dialog: 1) made the space for the attached files wider, so they can be seen fully, 2) simplified the selection of data in the check listbox (analogously to the Restore from Backup Wizard), 3) added macros to the list of data which can be exported, 4) added code to ensure that all tables are closed so they can be attached to the email message.

Fixed an AV which occurred if no text was set for the symbol of any of the moon phases, in the Moon Options property editor.

The text buffer of each textbox in a QuarkXPress file has been increased to 32K, which solves rare problems where the use of lines made up of individual dots were causing a buffer overrun. An off-by-one error which, in these rare cases caused QuarkXPress to abort, has also been fixed.

The Q++Studio Release Notes (on the Web) now contain hyperlinks to related topics in the WebHelp on-line help internet site

Special character markers now also get converted when used in the Holidays Display property.

Optimized the conversion of special character markers.

The new installer allows you to force an update even if it looks like some users are still using Q++Studio (not recommended, but you asked for it:-).

The copied text's font name and font size are now ignored, when pasting text, using CTRL+V, for the titles of holidays, one-time-dates, and slogans. This was a general request to avoid picking up font name and size when cut/pasting holidays from MS-Word, for example. Other attributes such as bold and italic will be maintained through the pasting.

Improved the usability of the Application Error dialog.


May 13, 2001


The design-time message that there are too few pages, is now an error only if the Script is using "sections flow". Otherwise it is only a warning.

Q++Studio now accepts signatures of 48 and 64 pages.

(major new feature): the concept of fillers was added to all tokens. It allows you to specify in the GridTemplate if you want some text to be appended to the left and/or right of the result of a token, if that result is non-blank. This is useful, for example if you have the following combination of tokens in a text box [fa][mp]. You could now write [fa\/ ][mp] to have a spece to the right of the holidays, only if there is a holiday.

The default Scriptline which is selected when a script is opened is now the Main Diary Grid.

Fixed a problem (I/O Error) which occured when a non-existent floppy or CD-ROM was selected in the "Import Slogans from TXT File" dialog.

The dialog used to select images to be used in Holidays, One-Time-Dates and Slogans now automatically selects the directory of the current file (if there is one) or remembers the last used directory. This dialog now filters all QuarkXPress compatible graphics file formats automatically.

Selecting the option to set the output filename yourself now automatically opens up the Save As dialog.


April 30, 2001


The proof of concept Japanese and Traditional Chinese fonts are now available and implemented in Q++Studio. Korean is next.

Added some safety checks to ensure that an update cannot be installed if another user is running Q++Studio at the same time.

Added some safety checks to ensure that 2 users cannot launch/update databases at the same time (the second user is not rejected, he/she is just put in a waiting queue).

Added some safety checks to ensure that abnormal termination of Q++Studio (ie CTRL+ALT+DEL) is noticed when Q++Studio is launched again and that corrective action is proposed to the user.

Some occasional errors which occurred when opening or closing the Holidays Manager should now be fixed.

The nightly maintenance message now clearly differentiates between actual application errors which have occurred during the day, and internally generated/caught exceptions.

The Exception log is now in the chronological order of errors.


April 16, 2001


Made the message that QuarkXPress encountered an error while scanning more informative.

Made the type of recurrence rule in the Holidays Manager, more immediately visible.

Holidays now have an additional property: validity. This allows you to specify, for example, that a given rule is only valid starting in 2002, or on the contrary that the last year it is valid is in 2002, or that it does not apply in 2002, ...

Fixed a bug whereby the Recurrence rules panel of the Holidays Manager would not synchronize properly under some circumstances.

Fixed a bug whereby "range of dates" holidays would extend one day longer than they should have.

Improved the Holidays Manager: the number of "Recurring" and "One-Time" holidays is now displayed in the tabs.

Also, in the Holidays Manager, if no One-Time-Dates are present for the selected set, then the year spinner, and month headers are hidden (following user feedback about these visual elements giving counter-intuitive feedback).

Fixed a bug whereby One-Time-Dates and Saints corresponding to a Holidays Set would not be deleted when that Set was deleted. This was a minor bug whose main effect was to introduce a slight bloat into these tables, if you often deleted Holidays Sets.

Fixed a bug whereby the use of Template colors for the current week of a MiniCalendar would display white text.

Muslim Calendar dates can now be exported to Excel files.

When using the Macros Sets Manager to save a Macro, the save button was incorrectly labeled 'Open'. This is now fixed.

Holidays and One-Time-Dates now have an additional property: priority. This allows you to specify, unambiguously, the order in which are displayed holidays of the same Holidays Set occuring on the same date.

DayValues inside a minicalendar textbox (after the minicalendar token) do not generate messages about possibly incorrect DayValues. For example a [1aMmmm] token inside a minicalendar on page 2 of a 2d/2p grid would previously and erroneously have generated a message that there was a DayValue of 1 on page 2).

A run-time messsage is now issued if Q++Studio encounters a blank TokenRoot (ie. a token such as [152] where the d was forgotten).


April 4, 2001


Fixed a problem where tokens occuring inside a textbox containing a minicalendar, but before the minicalendar token, would not behave as they should.

Double-clicking on a property in the property inspector now opens the property editor.

Muslim Calendar based holidays are now implemented.

Orthodox calendar based tokens are now implemented.

Easter based holidays can now also be based on Orthodox Easter (as used in Greece, Rumania, Bulgaria, and Russia.

The Holidays Guessing feature has been improved in 2 ways. 1) Dates related to Orthodox Easter, the Hebrew calendar or the Muslim calendar, are now included in the guessing algorithm. 2) The list of guessed rules is now presented in a more obvious manner, with the simple cases presented first (eg. April 12, or 2nd Monday in April) and the more exotic rules presented last (eg. 7 days after the 4th Monday in January).

Closing QuarkXPress 4 remotely from Q++Studio now works completely.

The [YYyy], [yyYY] and [YYYY} tokens did not work as supposed. This is now fixed.

A new feature has been added to debug scans in cases of synchronization problems with an NT4 server, which will be a plus for those still using Windows 95 or 98.

The export holidays for a range of dates feature now allows you to have all the multiple occurences on the same line allowing you to see the combination of holidays symbols for [fa] tokens.

The export tokens to Excel file now produces an Excel sheet with 3 tabs to better isolate the system tokens from the user-defined tokens.

When asking to display a holidays symbol near a holiday name, you can now ask Q++Studio to reduce or increase the size of the font of the holidays symbol. Also, Q++Studio will now automatically remove italic formatting which may have been in the token, from the holidays symbol.

Added the [paye] token used for the financial year of the UK.

Week numbers are also hidden using the hide fully outside weeks mini calendar option.

A bug when exporting Holidays Sets Saints is now fixed.

A bug when exporting Tokens is now fixed.

You can now switch back and forth between a Data Set and the Data editor (for example the Slogans Sets Manager and the Slogans Manager) directly without having to close and reopen the other dialog.

You can now create a Holidays set (or Slogans Set) even when the currently selected set is not a folder. Q++Studio automatically moves to the parent set to create the new set.

Automated backups now include the QppShare\QxdFiles\ subdirectory (and all sub-folders thereof) in the nightly backup.

Q++Studio now verifies that none of the physical sections has 0 pages, since that causes QuarkXPress to crash as it tries to create a 0 page document.

A new text to holidays symbol feature in the Holidays Manager, makes it easier than ever to add Holidays Symbols.

You can now set the default Holidays Symbols to be used with a given Holidays Set, which saves you from entering the same Holidays Symbols over and over when adding holidays to that set.

Also when you copy holidays from one set to the other in the Holidays Manager, you can now decide if you wish for the Holidays Symbols of the holidays to be copied or not, or you can even set new Holidays Symbols to insert for each new copied holiday.

The Holidays Symbols Fonts selection dialogs are now resizeable, and you can now import other fonts than qpp to be able to use the new text to holidays symbols feature (see above).


March 12, 2001


The Macro Code Editor has been rewritten from scratch. It now uses much fewer resources, which will be a plus for those still using Windows 95 or 98.

The new MiniCalendar option "using token" lets you choose from which token translation ([ddd] or [dddd]) to obtain char # characters in the preceding option. For English and many other languages, the value of the first 3 letters of the tokens and are usually the same, so this option has no impact. However in some languages such as Catalan, Polish and Russian, this is not the case, and this option needs to be set to [ddd] rather than the default of [dddd].

A combo box at the top of the list of tokens in the Tokens Manager, now allows you to selectively display system tokens, user tokens, or all tokens (as is currently the case).

The Holidays Manager has been improved to allow more convenient editing of Easter based holidays, which are often calculated in terms of a given number of weeks before or after Easter. Also a before/after radio item has been added to the Variable holidays, to avoid having to use negative values.

The holidays types rules have been expanded to allow for the easy setting of rules such as Advent (4th Sunday before Christmas).

The label which displays the personal dates, in the Main Windows, now changes font to match the display font of the Holidays Set used for personal dates.

The clock in the Main Window now allows you to have a 3rd hand which displays the time in another time zone. The hand size, color and visibility can be set in the Preferences dialog.


March 4, 2001


(Major new feature) Q++Studio's array of help tools has been augmented with the addition of Web Update.You will now be able to check from within Q++Studio for new updates, download them and install them, all automatically. The web update functionality is available from the new "web" menu.

Version 3.0 of the Macros compiler. Better more informative messages, and additional language features, such as freely constructed global variables (which can now also be of the Boolean or string types). The code editor has also been improved giving more immediate visual feedback as well as fixing some previous display glitches.

The verification that all users are logged out (needed to install updates, repair databases, back them up, ...) has been improved dramatically. It is much faster, more reliable, and most importantly, less intrusive on other logged in users, while the verification is occurring. You should download the latest version of the files Q++RepairDb, Q++BackUp, Q++PackDb and Q++RestoreBackup.

The Miscellaneous Grid Options now have an additional feature which lets you choose (for each individual DiaryGridLine) what it means to hide outside days. The current default, which is maintained, is to group delete the textbox containing the token. However you now have the option of a single delete, or simply replacing the token by a blank with no textbox deletion. This is particularly useful when tokens of different day values share the same textbox in a monthly grid (often the case if you reuse a grid done outside).


February 18


(Major new feature) Q++Studio's array of help tools has been augmented with the addition of Viewlets. These Java applets show you step-by-step how to carry out many Q++Studio procedures. They are an ideal way to learn Q++Studio features, particularly new features which will be included in the updates from now on. Note that these applets also run under MacOS.

Sometimes, if you had two different insert lines with an occurrence on the same date, one of these would be skipped. This has been fixed.

The verification of colors used (not in template or corrupted) has been extended to Macros called by other macros (but for which they may not necessarily be a token in the GridTemplate).

Many new options have been added to the MiniCalendars.

You can now ask to hide the last line of a MiniCalendar if all its dates are outside the month, even though you asked for outside days to be shown.

You can choose to show only the outside days of the previous or the next month.

You can now split MiniCalendars into 2, making it useful for "1 line" minicalendars which are spread over 2 pages.


January 31, 2001


(QuarkXPress 4) Holidays and Macro tokens can now be replaced by images. This can be very useful for Asian or Middle Eastern character sets. All the image formats supported by QuarkXPress are accepted: Bitmap Files (BMP, DIB, RLE), PCX Files (PCX), GIF Files (GIF), Windows Metafiles (WMF), TIFF Files (TIF), EPS Files (EPS, AI), Mac Pict Files (PCT), Scitex CT Files (CT, SCT), JPEG Files (JPG), Photo CD Files (PCD).

In the Script Preview, you can now right-click on any page and see a preview of the page of the GridTemplate is corresponds to.

-You can now export all pages of a QuarkXPress file to EPS, under Q4.


January 15, 2001


Q++Studio Help has now moved to Windows CHM Help. The main advantages are: being able to streamline the table of contents (left pane hierarchy), to have fewer top level chapters and then have a more logical/intuitive organization within each chapter. I am now able to have a different topic name on the left than on the right. So for example, on the left the subchapter of "tokens" may be named only "translating", while the title which appears in the topic window on the right would be "Supplying Translations for the Tokens you create". I think this allows for conciseness on the left (using the tree structure to avoid repetition), while have unambiguous explanation of what the topic does on the right (above the actual text). The cross-reference links are much easier to create and I have started to sprinkle them liberally. Finally, Windows CHM Help affords better control over keywords, which means that the "index" or "help wizard" searches are getting more and more accurate.

When you press "send email" during an "application error", a short text message is also sent to my cell phone, so I'm notified almost instantly. 

The repair and restore from backup modules are now also connected to the help system.


January 2, 2001


(Major new feature) Q++Studio now features full-blown remote debugging capability. Now, any error occurring on your machine will yield as much stack and register information to technical support as if the error had occurred on the developer's machine. This means that the fact that tech support is not able to reproduce your error is not a problem anymore, as Q++Studio on your PC will yield the same information remotely.

Major optimizations to improve the responsiveness of the interface (ie. time to load/save a Script).

scripts now open about 20% faster than before, even more on slow networks.

An "optimization" tab was added to the preferences dialog, allowing each user to choose some additional trade-offs between information displayed and speed.

Improved the display of personal dates in the Main Window; the personal date of the calendar's -current date is now displayed under the flip calendar. If there are more than one event on a given date, placing your mouse over the label where the personal dates are displayed triggers a hint window containing all event of the current day.


Other Years


See also: release notes of the current year and release notes of other years.


Topic 170660, last updated on 13-Dec-2022