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Q++Studio Release Notes 2004

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This topic contains the release notes that document the new features, improvements and bug fixes that were included in the various releases of Q++Studio in 2004.


See also: release notes of the current year and release notes of other years.



December 19, 2004 (build 10901)


New and Improved


The message warning you about broken conflict rules in some the holidays used in the current script is now displayed in bold to make this potentially serious error more immediately visible.


The message about Q++Studio not being able to accurately determine the DayValues on a given page is now only issued for daily and weekly grids, but not for monthly or yearly grids as it was unnecessary and often a source of confusion for the users.


The code that reads in a script has been improved to be more tolerant of corrupted properties. Previously, if any property of any of the scriptlines was invalid, then the script could not be loaded. While this rarely happened, when it did, it meant you had to re-create the script from scratch. Now, if a property is invalid, then it is ignored and the default values (those found in a new blank script) are used for that property. A message then warns you of each property that could not be loaded, so that you can go and reset the desired values.


Each recurring holiday can now have its recurrence rule be based on a specific Muslim Calendar, Moon Source or Sun Source, all within the same Holidays Set. This is particularly useful when compiling sets of holidays that cover many different countries.


Added more Minicalendar Modifiers: No Frame and No Background are useful when you want the extent of the frame and/or background shade to be different than that of the textbox that contains the textual elements of a minicalendar. Show only on Current Day and Show only on Holidays can be combined with Ignore Current Day and Ignore Holidays to display minicalendars where either the current day(s) or holidays are shaded/framed.


Improved the detection and management of allowed duplicated tokens. The number of occurences is now displayed near each token. This is useful to spot duplicated tokens that could be allowed but are still incorrect because some tokens of a series are duplicated one more time than the others. In addition, now, if you allow a given token to be duplicated 3 times, for example, you will get a message again if the token becomes duplicated one more or one less time.


You can now specify that, in a monthly grid, outside days should be formatted differently depending on whether they occur before or after the month. Previously you could either choose to delete these outside days or display them without any change in their typography.


Fixed and Corrected


Fixed a minor user interface glitch whereby it was not possible to move, copy or create a script line below another script line if the target script line was disabled. It is now possible to do this, in the cases that are appropriate (ie. if neither the target nor the source lines is a DairyGridLine or an Insert).


November 25, 2004 (build 10859)


New and Improved


The calculation of Moon tokens and Sun tokens now uses the more accurate NASA-JPL DE406 data. This now includes much better positional data than the traditional Meeus algorithms used in general, as well as the effects of refraction and the effects of the variable size of the Moon and Sun. New International Preferences options let you choose the method you prefer to use, as well as giving you the option of using the old Meeus method for all token dates until a certain date (January 1, 2006, by default) so that there are no inconsistencies in the data of the same year diaries produced with different versions of Q++Studio.


You can now convert Slogans Sets from Cyclical to Run Once Only, and vice-versa.


Added more detailed logging of the QuarkXPress activity during scanning. This can be viewed in the Scan Log dialog, accessible using the Debug/Scan menu.


Improved the detection of a QuarkXPress crash during scanning (the code was still based on the temporary files created by a QuarkXPress 3 crash).


Fixed and Corrected


Fixed a bug in the code that calculated the Muslim Moon crescent visibility at the startup of Q++Studio and which would cause a delay of a few seconds. This did not affect the results, but was a delay.


Fixed a UI glitch whereby, in the Templates menu, the Open Main Output File sub-menu item would remain disabled the first time an output file was generated. The menu item would only become properly enabled the next time the script was opened.


Fixed a bug (under QuarkXPress 6 only), whereby exporting to EPS would keep on overwriting the same file over and over agin (ie. at the end all that was left was the EPS conversion of very last page of the QuarkXPress file).


Fixed a bug whereby Q++Studio would not automatically re-create one of the required temporary sub-folders if a user delete that folder by mistake (was this really a bug?).


Fixed a bug that could cause a sunrise or moonrise to be missed if it occurred a few minutes after midnight, during the summer time period. The same bug could also, but only on the exact day when summer time started, cause a moon phase to be listed 2 days in a row (the first case would have been in 2008, not an issue yet for most users).


Fixed a bug in the way that the user location was saved for negative latitudes and longitudes (west of Greenwich and south of the equator). This affected very few users as most users are east of Greenwich and in the northern hemisphere, and was limited to displaying incorrect sunrise and sunset times in your personal user area. It did not affect any of the data generated by Q++Studio either in diaries or Excel exports.


Fixed a visual bug in the holidays manager whereby the preview of arbitrary dates holidays would show each date in triplicate. Also fixed a bug that was extremely unlikely to surface, with arbitrary dates holidays at the beginning of January with a negative offset, or near the end of December with either a positive offset or a lengthy duration or both.


October 6, 2004 (build 10833)


New and Improved


The Special Cases dialog used to specify conditions of GenTokens tokens options has been improved. It now features a preview of the combined conditions, in plain English, on the right of the dialog. This information was previously available once the dialog was closed, but having it displayed in real time as one selects the various options seems better to ensure that the options you select are really the ones you want.


Improved the grid that displays the list of messages generated during diary generation. The grid can now be used to sort or filter or group the list based on either of the fields (page number, object or message ID). This is particularly useful when there are many messages of the same type, possibly obscuring a message that only occurs once or twice.


The List Messages button of the Diary Generation progress dialog now remains enabled even if Quark has crashed, allowing you to see the messages that Quark generated prior to crashing (often this is due to objects being completely off the page, or having objects from different pages grouped together).


The Diary Generation Status Dialog that is displayed during diary generation now remains visible if you abort the script and there was at least one run-time message generated before the script was aborted. This is useful when a script generates many messages, to be able to list these messages in context without having to wait for the end of diary generation.


Added a new set of Minicalendar tokens modifiers. The :sqr and :one Single Line/Column modifiers can be used to mix single line/column minicalendars with the more traditional square minicalendars.


Added a series of new tokens that are a variation of the usual ascending/descending days tokens, to display days into/left in the week, days into/left in the month, weeks into/left in the year, months into/left in the year.


Added 2 new Slogans Sets conversion options to convert form either a Month and Day set to a Cyclical set, or to convert a Specific Dates set to a Cyclical set.


Implemented new insertion rules for February 28 and March 1st. The February 28 property is useful in daily diaries where you want each month to start on the right page. In such cases you must insert either 1 or 2 pages depending if the month before has an even or odd number of days. Setting the above property to Only if last day lets you select February 28 as a repeating date of the insert that relates to even days months and February 29 as a repeating date in the insertion block that relates to months that contain an odd number of days, without the risk of having insertions on both February 28 and 29 on leap years. This avoids having to create an insertion block for 28-day February and remembering to disable it on leap years. The March 1st property is similar the February 28 property, but is used when you are inserting before dates that are the first of the month and allow you to have March 1st as an insertion date that is triggered or not depending if February had 28 or 29 days.


Added new design-time messages to warn you if you use either Moon tokens, Sun Tokens, Muslim dates tokens, Muslim times tokens, Jewish times tokens or distances tokens and have not specified any corresponding data source.


Improved the verification that leads to the design-time message that there is an inconsistency between the Muslim calendar used to display token dates, and the one(s) used in some of the holidays sets. Q++Studio now verifies if there are any Muslim dates tokens in the GridTemplate, before issuing that message (so it will appear much less frequently).


The database of bank holidays, legal holidays, public holidays and religious holidays in the world has been updated. You can either view these bank holidays, legal holidays, public holidays and religious holidays for over 140 countries, for 2004 and 2005, directly on the web using the link above, or you can ask us for an updater that will include these into your database directly (including the recurrence rules, so that you can generate these dates for 2--6, 2007, 2008, ....).


Fixed and Corrected


Fixed a bug whereby trying to specify text attributes for the $$ DayHeader Markers in a single-line minicalendar for the current week (or any date in the current spread) would result in all $$ DayHeaders corresponding to weekdays contained in the spread having those font attributes (and not only the actual dates as should be).


Fixed a bug whereby the capitalization of the $$ DayHeader Markers would ignore capitalization settings of the token language, therefore improperly capitalizing some characters in Greek, Russian and Turkish. In practise this was never noticed by any user until now because it only makes a difference if ones uses the full weekday name in all caps in a minicalendar, which is rarely used.


Fixed a user interface glitch in the One-Time-Dates Manager, whereby half of the year spinner at the top of the dialog was hidden by the month drop-down combo list. This was a visual glitch in Q++Studio and did not have any effect on the generated data and diaries.


Improved the response of the Slogans Manager's rich-text editorto text that is pasted into it from the clipboard, and also typed in manually.  At best it was copying unwanted attributes from the original text (such as font name) and responding sluggishly, and at worst, it was going into an infinite loop trying to recursively respond to changes that were part of the response to changes.


Fixed a bug in the evaluation the Moon always above/below token that inverted the sign of the altitude of the moon when it does not rise or set.


The message warning that a grid with an odd number of pages was being inserted before the first pages of another grid was being triggered even when the Ignore Sidedness property was turned on (although setting that property to true is one of the solutions to that warning).


Added some code to verify that minicalendar tokens contain opening and closing braces []. Previously, the token would be accepted even if you forgot the opening brace, leading to problems in evaluation of the minicalendar later.


August 24, 2004 (build 10785)


New and Improved


Added a new type of holiday recurrence rule: Persian holidays rules. This is used to calculate some solar holidays (such as Noruz) in Iran and neighboring countries.


When the date of a holiday based on the Hindu Lunar calendar is expunged (ie. does not occur) Q++Studio now uses the following date that exists in the Hindu Lunar calendar. This will avoid having some Hindu lunar holidays that do not occur on some years and have to be inserted using an exception to rule.


Added a new calculated Muslim calendar: the Saudi Muslim calendar. The use of this calendar is conceptually more logical (Saudi Arabia, is the birthplace of Islam, and is the only country in the world to use the Islamic calendar for day-to-day civil matters), and also tends to agree better with most published Muslim dates, particularly for Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states.


Added a new GenTokens option: No line ending when token line is blank. This allows you to specify that there should be no line ending whenever the series of tokens converts to a blank line. This is particularly useful to generate monthly or yearly tables of events that do not occur everyday (holidays, planetary events, ...). It is similar, but more powerful than using duration suffixes with holidays tokens.


Fixed and Corrected


Fixed a bug in the evaluation of Solar holidays, whereby the change to summer time would be ignored unless summer time was in effect on January 1st of that year (the case in Australia and New Zealand). This bug only surfaced for equinoxes and solstices in 2012, because only then did such an event (the summer solstice) occur after 23:00 (ie. less than one hour before midnight).


Fixed a bug in the TreeView of the Holidays Manager whereby moving a folder multiple times using drag and drop could cause Q++Studio to lose track of the hierarchical position of the moved folder. This was a user interface bug only and the database hierarchy was correctly saved and would be displayed correctly again as soon as the Holidays Manager was closed and re-opened.


July 27, 2004 (build 10750)


New and Improved


You can now specify holidays rules based on lunisolarevents. This is useful to predict holidays that occur on the Nth moon of a given month, or the Nth moon after a given solar event (the case in various countries in south-east Asia, such as Malaysia, Singapore and Myanmar, specially for Buddhist holidays such as Wesak).


The Recurring Holidays Tab of the Holidays Rule Manager has been redesigned and expanded to make  most of the advanced recurrence options available to all types of recurrences. In particular, the tab displays the textual form of the holiday rule currently displayed, and sample dates now include the effects of conflict rules (ie. the displayed sample dates are the exact ones that will be generated). This is a major new feature that will permit the specification of the remaining few world holidays that cannot be fully predicted.


Improved the holidays calculations for the rare cases when a rule would cause the holiday to occur in the previous or next year (for example: Sunday before January 2nd, or Monday after December 31st).


Added a new token [chss] which displays, for every date, the Chinese solar term that most recently occurred.


Added two new macro functions to determine the date of Chinese Solar terms: chDateSolarTermOnOrBefore and chDateSolarTermOnOrAfter.


Added a new type of recurring holidays information: Observance. This allows you to specify if a holiday is only regional, or religious, or only followed by banks and the government. This, in conjunction with the new macro function GetHolObservanceFromTable will be useful in building pages that contain holidays of many countries of the world, and where regional or religious holidays may need to be identified either by an asterisk or a change in typeface.


Fixed and Corrected


Fixed a bug whereby seasons tokens and solstices tokens were being ignored.


The recently added message that warns you at the time of scanning, if objects are grouped across a page boundary only checked for textboxes, not for pictureboxes. Q++Studio now also checks for pictureboxes that are grouped across page boundaries.


Fixed an obscure, and never reported, bug whereby the arbitrary dates and range of dates from one holiday would be displayed in the selection of any subsequently selected holiday, unless that holiday was of the same type. Because this bug only appeared for holidays of different types, these arbitrary dates and date ranges were ignored at calculation time, and this bug's only consequence was a possible slowdown of the user interface and a small increase in the size of the holidays rules database.


Fixed a bug whereby a token that did not contain a DayValue, such as [yyyy], when used in the MonthHeader optionswould cause the occurrence of an incorrect message about the number of languages used by tokens in the MonthHeaders options.



June 18, 2004 (build 10698)


New and Improved


Removed a limitation on the number of iterations through which a BoxFit token could go before a message was issued and the iterations were stopped. This primarily affected horizontal box enlargement where one might want to increase by small amounts, such as 1 point, to get a tight fit.


Added new comparison operators to allow more flexibility in the definition of number of days and number of weeks minicalendar modifiers. You can now delete a minicalendar based on whether it has more, less, the same or a different number of days or weeks than a specified value (previously you could only check if the values were different).


The fractional way of displaying 23/30 and 24/31 combined dates in 5 week minicalendar options has been improved by making the top number (ie. 23 or 24) independent from the bottom number (ie. 30 or 31). This makes it possible to display different attributes (for example color on holidays) for the top and bottom numbers. To be able to use this feature, you must have installed the QPP2 font which was placed in the QppShare\Setup\Fonts\ folder during the latest updating of Q++Studio.


A new option in the one-line minicals special tabs dialog lets you specify that Q++Studio should automatically justify the tabulations for each of the possible cases of 28, 29, 30 or 31 day months.


The help file and user's manual now include a completely new chapter on Fonts. This chapter shows you how to use and how to create special fonts for all European character sets (Latin, Baltic, East European, Cyrillic, Greek and Turkish) using FontLab. Sample fonts for each of these character sets are included in the updater, for both the Garamond and Arial typefaces. The chapter also includes a section on the use of the Arabic XT xtension, used to display Arabic text natively with all the required Arabic typography.


The new [mab] and [sab] tokens, and corresponding Moon times and Daylight options, can be used to display some text or symbols whenever the Moon and the Sun are always above or always below the horizon (ie. on dates when there is neither a rising nor a setting occurrence).


Improved the character selector used to enter translations of foreign languages and holidays symbols. The characters now appear in a much larger font size (24 instead of 14) and a balloon hint displays the entire character under the cursor, which is convenient for characters that are rectangular (such as in the QppArabic font).


This updater now includes the  QppSinhala and  QppTamil fonts. These fonts are placed in the QppShare\Setup\Fonts\ folder during the latest updating of Q++Studio and must then be installed manually.


You can now copy MonthHeader options from one index value to another.


A new Minicalendar Token Modifier, the Tab Character Insertion Modifier, can be used in conjunction with Minicalendar Special Tabs to avoid the tedium of setting tab positions in the QuarkXPress GridTemplate, particularly for one-line minicalendars.


You can now specify that files attached to technical support emails should be saved with the .z extension rather than the .zip extension. This will allow you to bypass thoughtlessly parameterized firewalls and email servers following the viruses that appeared in May 2004 with an infected attachment with the double extension .zip.exe or .zip.pif or .zip.bat. Thoughtlessly, because stopping .zip files will not stop any of these file types, but will only cause problems for anyone trying to communicate with you.


A new message warns you at the time of scanning, if objects are grouped across a page boundary (something that will cause QuarkXPress to crash when generating diaries).


Fixed and Corrected


Fixed a bug which was mixing up capitalization tables entries between languages, so that, for example, if you had a capitalization entry for the letter "i" in 2 languages, then only the first one would be used for all languages.


Fixed a bug whereby the Number of Weeks minicalendar modifier were not working when added to minicalendar weekly bands.


Finally found a work around the rare but annoying problem of QuarkXPress crashing when trying to generate scripts that contain more than 1 enabled DiaryGrid or Quark Pages scriptlines.


Fixed a bug in the conversion of sunrise/sunset minutes tokens that prevented the minutes of sunrises or sunsets from displaying correctly, using the "m" modifier, if no special formatting was applied to the minutes.


Fixed a user interface glitch whereby, once a GridTemplate was scanned, it was not possible to view or change the value of the Do not split grid property of scanned GridTemplates.


Removed a hard-coded path in the Quark Files Comparer which sometimes prevented users from completing the comparison, if they did not have the right folder structure (ie. the same folder structure as my development machine).


Fixed a bug which prevented the saving of the Muslim data property, if no Prayer Times Source had been selected. On occasion, this also caused the script to be corrupted.


Fixed a user interface glitch whereby some scriptline properties and comments were not saved if the user used the menu to save the script, rather than the speedbuttons at the top of the main window.


Fixed a bug that prevented a user from entering decimal tab values in the Tabs Override page of GenTokens line ending options dialog.


Previously, no text overflow warning would be issued if the use of a BoxFit token in a box which was anchored caused the parent box to overflow. A warning is now generated if this happens. In the process, we found a workaround a QuarkXPress bug (in version 6 only) which caused some text overflows to go unnoticed.


Closed a loophole that would have allowed a user to change the text part only of MonthHeader options that contain formatting, hence potentially corrupting the formatting string.


May 18, 2004 (build 10662)


New and Improved


A new time formatting option "x/x" (no quotation marks) allows you to display 12-hour times without any am/pm labels. This option is useful if it is obvious from the context that the displayed time is a morning time or not (this is the case for Muslim prayer times where, for example, the time displayed for the sunset prayer is obviously after the noon hour).


You can now sort the list of selected Holidays Sets when selecting aeiou-Holidays.


Added new options to the w# on Every Date minicalendar option. In particular, you can now specify on which weekday the w# will appear, and what should happen if the first and last weeks of the month are incomplete and do not include the weekday on which the w# value is normally displayed.


Improved the clarity of the information displayed when some of the essential database tables are either damaged or missing. Previously all missing/damaged tables were listed, even temporary tables that are repaired automatically by Q++Studio and therefore do not require you to do anything. Now, only the essential, non-temporary, damaged/missing tables are listed in the Database Initialization Error message dialog.


Implemented the start of month prefix to display the Chinese days and months tokens and the Gregorian days and months in Chinesetokens.


Fixed and Corrected


The [chYYYY] token (Chinese numerical year) was not giving the correct result; only the number of years in the current 60-year cycle was being displayed, instead of the number of cycles times 60 plus the number of years into the current cycle. This is now fixed.


Fixed an omission in documentation of the chMonthOf macro function whereby the behaviour of the function was not properly described and was, in fact misleading.


Fixed a bug in the user interface whereby the checkbox corresponding to the w# on Every Date minicalendar option would not be displayed correctly when the options dialog was re-opened (the option was, however, correctly saved and thus gave correct results in the output).


April 12, 2004 (build 10650)


New and Improved


Added a new type of Minicalendar Modifier: Embedded Tokens DayValue. This is particularly useful for checkerboard monthly diaries in which you may have a box with many tokens for each day of the month. Rather than having to change all the DayValues of all the tokens in each box, one-by-one, you need only specify the DayValue to use for all tokens in the same textbox. This is somewhat similar to GenTokens, but for checkerboard grids rather than vertical grids.


The Arabic example font, QppArabic, has been redesigned from scratch to give it a nicer more modern look and fix the problems that prevented it from being used in production; namely the size of each word is now correctly proportional, and the baseline of all words is the same. The words corresponding to am, pm, noon, Hijrah year, western year, prayer times and each individual prayer time name were also added to the font. The new font will automatically be copied to your QppShare\Setup\Fonts\ folder when you apply this update. You must then manually install this new font in place of the old one.


The Chinese example font, QppChinese, has been modified to fix some of its problems: all kerning pairs were removed since Chinese does not use kerning, and the limitation that prevented this font from being embedded into a PDF file was removed. The new font will automatically be copied to your QppShare\Setup\Fonts\ folder when you apply this update. You must then manually install this new font in place of the old one.


A new message is generated if you leave objects way off in the pasteboard of one of your GridTemplates.


You can now specify that the tokens for partial weekday names, partial translation of week, and partial month namesshould use the short form of the corresponding token, instead of the full version which was previously the only option.


Following the release of QuarkXPress 6.1 in late February and additional testing on it, support for QuarkXPress 6 has been changed from beta to full. Because this version is much slower (3 to 4 times slower on average) than previous versions, and brings no added benefit in the use of Q++Studio, we suggest you stay with QuarkXPress 4 or use QuarkXPress 5 if you must purchase a new version.


Fixed and Corrected


Fixed a glitch in the way holidays rules were displayed as text in the Excel files when exporting Muslim holidays that were moved from a Friday to any other weekday. This only occurred in that specific case and only affected the text that was displayed in the Excel file. The dates were correctly calculated (ie. Friday occurrences were properly moved to the requested weekday).



March 22, 2004 (build 10628)


New and Improved


You can now specify holidays rules based on solarevents. This is useful to predict holidays that occur on equinoxes (particularly Japan).


Added new special cases for line endings in GenTokens: odd month and even month. This is useful to do monthly and yearly planners where months are shaded differently in alternance.


The interface between Q++Studio and QuarkXPress has been reviewed in-depth and optimized. Diary generationand Saras processing has been accelerated by about 50%.


Added a new message to warn you if some minicalendar tokens contain too many digits to specify the month to be displayed. A typical example of an error leading to the present message would be using [1mc+045] (wrong) instead of [1mc+45] (correct). This can be a serious source of errors when creating multi-year pages containing minicalendars.


Added an option to have a variable number of zeroes at the front of the [T+] and [T-] padded ascending and descending days tokens. This allows for the display of 01-364 and 11-354, for example.


Added an option to display the [paye] token on every date, not only at the beginning of each paye week. Also you can now specify if the [:paye] label appears near the [paye] number or not (previously it automatically appeared).


Added 2 new GenTokens conditions which allow you to specify that specific line ending options should be used for the very first and very last line generated by the GenTokens token.


Q++Studio now searches for, and identifies, macro tokens located in the text used for the different cases of MonthHeader options.


Added the token [chYrSBn] which automatically displays the Chinese character for year, to the right of the characters for the year stem and year branch.


Fixed and Corrected


Cleaned up a few minor user interface glitches that appeared when using Windows XP with the Luna interface (also known as the XP-Teletubbies interface). Most of the time the buttons at the bottom of some dialogs were partially hidden, although fully functional, because the title bar of windows in XP is higher than that of title bars under other versions of Windows. The most noticeable glitch was that the MRU scripts menu would not display the name of the recently used scripts, although it was fully functional.


Corrected the name of QuarkXPress in all documentation (was previously, and erroneously, written as Quark XPress, with a space in the middle).


Reorganized the order of the workstation installation chapter.


Fixed a bug in the code that displayed MonthHeader tokens. This bug surfaced in the change of year options, only if the replacement tokens and text contained text formatting and used the 0 and 99 DayValues used to represent the beginning and end of the current month.


Fixed a minor bug whereby the output folder for the Quark File to EPS function would be missing a \ (backslash), hence generating the EPS files in a folder one level higher in the windows foder hierarchy than expected.


Fixed a problem that sometimes occurred when inserting images.


Fixed a bug that prevented the [sWeek] token from being properly converted.


Increased the height of the Template Properties dialog slightly, as the OK-Cancel-Help buttons were too close to the bottom edge of the dialog, under Windows XP.


February 13, 2004 (build 10595)


New and Improved


When a script is re-opened after scanning a grid, or any other operation that requires the current script to be temporarily closed, the scriptline that was selected before closing is re-selected after the script is re-opened. This is particularly useful for scripts that contain multiple grids, if you are re-scanning one of the grids that is not the main grid.


Changed the geographical location used to calculate the Hindu calendar to be in full compliance with the Calendar Reform Committee report of 1957, and which went into effect with Saka Era, Chaitra 1, 1879, which corresponds to March 22, 1957.


Added a new Template Property: Do not split. This is useful to get rid of spurious messages when you are using a grid with an unusual structure that Q++Studio cannot guess accurately.


Added the possibility of displaying holidays abbreviations near each individual holiday (previously only holidays symbols could be displayed this way).


Improved message 176240 so that only one such message, with all the missing characters, per textbox would be generated.


The first period of an insertion rule can now range from Current-12 to Current+12 (previously it was limited to the range of Current-5 to Current+5).


Fixed and Corrected


Slogan tokens used inside GenTokens were not being identified properly.


Fixed the incorrect appearance of messages that warned you if a Saints or Namedays list token was used inside GenTokens, but not defined.


Fixed the rare incorrect appearance of a message warning you that holidays had not been generated for one of the years that a diary covered. This would happen very seldom, immediately after generating a diary that did not contain any holidays, or only contained one-time-dates for a specific year.


When you clicked on messages 174390, 175360 and related messages, the proper tab of the MonthHeader or GenTokens options dialog was not automatically selected as had been announced previously. This now works as advertised.


Fixed a bug in the implementation of the Filter option of the Holidays Display property. This bug was introduced in build 10458 of November 12, 2004, and only applies to the filtering of holidays symbols. The filtering of holidays abbreviations was not affected.


The option to email an application error to technical support was not functioning properly; the most recent activity and error logs were not being properly attached to the sent email.


Fixed a bug in the parsing of text attributes in the rich-text formatting editor. If line breaks due to word wrapping occurred within a format run they it would sometimes be lost. This did not happens for specifically set line breaks, only those due to word wrapping.


Fixed a bug in the One-Time-Dates Manager and the Saints Manager, whereby the navigation within the dates would be jerky if you went over a change of year.


January 16, 2004 (build 10569)


New and Improved


The maximum number of Holidays Sets selected in any individual Holidays Override has been increased from 20 to 100. Also the list of selected holidays sets now supports multiple selections using the usual keyboard shortcuts.


The master list of all world holidays and rules has been updated to match 2005 and 2006 holidays occurrences that are available for comparison. The list now includes holidays for 82 countries and, if requested, additional countries as well a regional holidays can be added.


You can now change the font and its size and color of selected text in the script line Comments Editor.


QuarkXPress 6 compatibility testing is now in its final stages. All existing diariies that we have run successfully, albeit slowly, using QuarkXPress 6. Contact us if you want to be a beta tester. The hardware specifications needed to use QuarkXPress 6 have been updated based on our testing.


Added a new Diary Generation Option: Trim Blank Pages. This option, true by default, can be used to have diary generation stop after the last non-blank page of the diary. This option can speed up diary generation, particularly step 3, page copying, for large diaries that contain over 200-300 pages.


The Re-inspect all Quark Pages command from the Templates Menu now checks for Quark Pages that may appear more than once in the script (for example, pages 1-12 in the front and pages 13-25 in the back), and  only re-inspects them once, saving a lot of time since files that appear often are often large files.


The options for Scanning and Plain Qxd Inspection are now disabled if Quark has crashed. Previously a message saying that this was not possible would appear only once the script had been saved and closed, leading to a waste of time as you had to wait for the script to re-load again.


If you try to launch Q++Studio while it is already running, it now notices almost immediately that another copy of itself is running and restores it. Previously, there was a 1-2 seconds lag during which the loader splash screen appeared.


The time between launching QuarkXPress to perform Saras, and the moment when the Sara processing begins has been reduced to almost nothing, which means that most Saras will now take between 2 and 5 seconds less to perform, particularly if the output file is being saved on a network drive.


The calculation of planetary events has been augmented to include solar and lunar eclipses, transits of planets across the Sun, and occultation of planets by the Sun and Moon, both using geocentric and topocentic positions. The times thus calculated agree to within 4 seconds with the data calculated by the JPL and NASA.


The Q++Studio Updater now includes the latest test versions of the QuarkXPress xtensions so that you may test them while being able to easily restore the "safe" versions of the xtensions, if you discover any problems. This new feature is available from the Qpp Xtension menu item on the Tools menu.


Fixed and Corrected


The option that was introduced in the last update and allowed you to specify that one or more of the aeiou-Holidays sets' dates should be ignored after a certain date, was not ignoring the required range of dates for holidays that are displayed within a minicalendar.


Fixed a minor interface glitch whereby the status glyphs indicating that a MonthHeader string contained rich-text attributes would not be displayed until that text was modified (see the bottom of topic 172420).


Fixed a user interface glitch that was introduced in build 10356 (September 17th, 2003) where by any Front Pages or Back Pages scriptline that had been disabled before that update would remain disabled from then on. This did not prevent you from enabling and disabling the individual lines contained by these Front Pages or Back Pages scriptlines, but it meant that for those specific scripts, the new feature could not be used to its fullest.


Fixed a glitch in the user interface, whereby the percentage progression of the Saras processing would be based on the total number of defined pages in the script, even if you had specified in the execution options, that only a few pages should be generated for testing.


Fixed a bug in the conversion of Offset from Current Year tokens whereby a yyyy tokens would only display the year using 2 digits.


Fixed a bug that would appear if you inserted an odd number of pages into a multi-page (more than 2) grid whose first page did not have a sidedness (ie. it was specified as first page is either side when scanned).


Fixed a bug which prevented the display of Sun Zodiac symbol tokens, for any of the data sources, except the first one in the list, if multiple Sun data sources were selected.


Other Years


See also: release notes of the current year and release notes of other years.



Topic 176275, last updated on 31-May-2023